Xenforo Extended Smilies

Unmaintained Xenforo Extended Smilies 1k

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Reviews 4.99 star(s) 72 reviews

I love these smilies, thanks for sharing them! :)
Cheers Shelly awesome work yet again, I know most people garb files and run so i just wanted to make sure you knew most of us are very grateful.
Very nice set of smilies. Thanks Shelley!
Looks great, thank you!
Another excellent update to add to the Smilies collection
Gimme that pigeon baby! :D
I knew you were waiting and couldn't hold off on releasing them any longer. Thanks for the review. :)
Excellent range of smilies, and perfectly compatible with the existing XF set. Great work, thanks!
Very nice set. Thumb up to the authoress, ever ready to accept user requests and feedback.
Another excellent set of smilies from Shelley
This pack gets better and better
Smilies that make me smile! Nice work and thanks.
Excellent! Finally got around to adding these to my forums!
Amazing Similes,

Thank you very much for providing us with these free emoticons!
Awesome work Shelley. Finally got around to getting rid of the crap smilies that we originally replaced the default ones for and now we're fully Shelley Smilie'd all over. Such awesome work, thank you.
Very nice and pretty smilies, thank you Shelley
Nice extra smileys
Great! Thanks :)
Nice thanks <3
Excellent smilies, could not live without them anymore :)
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