[XenConcept] Minimum post length

[XenConcept] Minimum post length 2.3.1

No permission to buy ($15.00)
  • Fix "Disallowed words" option
This version is in "Beta"
  • Fix bug with automatic create thread and reply thread
This version is in "Beta"
  • [Bug Fix] The following two permissions do not work when reply to a thread
    • Can bypass maximum smilies
    • Can bypass disallowed words
This version is in "Beta"
  • Added new options
    • Enable maximum smiles allowed in create thread
    • Maximum smiles allowed in create thread
    • Enable maximum smiles allowed in post reply
    • Maximum smiles allowed in post reply
    • Enable disallowed words
    • Disallowed words
  • Added new permissions
    • Can bypass maximum smilies
    • Can bypass disallowed words

XenConcept  Minimum post lenght   XenForo   Admin control panel.webp

Edit user group  Administrative   XenForo   Admin control panel.webp
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Reactions: Nirjonadda
This version is in "Beta"
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Reactions: Nirjonadda
  • Fix server error log
  • Add option tabbed in add-on options
This version is in "Beta"
  • Reordering of options
  • New options
    • Excluded forum
    • Allow posts that have only IMG BBCode?
    • Allow posts that have only Media BBCode?
    • Disallow posts that have only quote?
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Reactions: Nirjonadda
  • Fixed the bug with words count
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Reactions: Nirjonadda
  • Fixed the bug when we only put the BB Code Code. For more information look here
  • Updated sentences
Improvements will be coming in the next update .
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Reactions: Nirjonadda
  • Reorganization of the categories
  • New features
    • Minimum title characters
    • Maximum title characters
    • Disallow posts that have only smilies
    • Disallow posts that have only bbcodes
  • New options
    • Enable minimum title characters
    • Minimum Title Characters Length
    • Enable maximum title characters
    • Maximum Title Characters Length
    • Disallow posts that have only smilies?
    • Disallow posts that have only bbcode?
  • New permissions
    • Can bypass minimum title characters length
    • Can bypass maximum title characters length








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