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Unmaintained WordPress get the Lastest Forum Posts 1.4.0

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Display the lastest forum posts in a wordpress widget. After installing the widget you will be able to display the latest forum posts in a widget.

Multiple options:
modify the css, use PDO or SQL database connection, custom table title, exclude certain nodes, exclude usergroups, and more.

The widget output can be modified to your specific needs. If you need help send me a message and I will help you modify it.

The widget should work with all versions of WordPress > version 2.8.


If you like the widget and would like to support more great widgets, please consider donating a few $$$; so I will be motivated to release some more add-ons. Thanks. :)

  • WordPress version >= 2.8
  • MySQL >= 5.1
  • PHP >= 5.2; if you want to use the PDO option you need PHP 5.3 or greater. And PDO needs to be enabled on your web server.

1)Using wordpress's admin control panel, choose the option, Plugins --> Install New
2)Use the upload function to upload the ".zip" file to the wordpress plugin directory
a)if you can't upload the ".zip" you can use an ftp client to copy the files to your wordpress plugins directory​
b)extract / expand / the files from the ".zip" file on your local computer​
c)use your FTP client to upload the files to the plugin directory which isnormally located at /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/​
3)After the files are in place; in wordpress's admin control panel go to the menu option Settings --> Last Posts
4)Follow the directions at the top of the screen for entering in the settings
5)Click Save Changes
6)In wordpress's admin control panel go to the menu Appearance --> Widgets
7)Drag the widge eip Last Posts in to the appropriate area, i.e. Footer 1
8)Check the appearance
9)Edit the css file located in the plugins directory
/eipSoftwareLastPost/styles/style_lastpost.css to customize the look for your particular needs

First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. corrected missing file error

    I updated the error messaging so users can see when the link to the forum configuration file is...
  2. Added new style for the widget

    I added a new style for the widget. The style will show the user's avatar in the sidebar...
  3. Fixed an issue with PDO settings

    Fixed a minor issue with PDO Settings.

Latest reviews

awesome plugin, you have to use PDO because the mysql call is outdatedt in php. but after the switch it works like a charme.
Forgot to review this when I installed it months ago! Works perfectly displaying the latest posts on my WordPress homepage.
Awesome, but do you have it in the other way round? To show the last posted on the forum from wordpress?
I was using a different widget and the links were wrong after leaving the front page. This one works like a charm. Thank you for releasing it.
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