[WMTech] Time Spent Online

[WMTech] Time Spent Online 1.2.2

No permission to buy ($9.00)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Commercial, Paid License
Updates duration
6 months (renew for $3)
Visible branding
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Record members' total time spent online, and add it to their member profiles.

  • Profile. Show member's total time online on their account profile.
  • Permissions.
    • Set who can view it.
  • User option. Members can select if they want it shown (same way as for "last active").
  • Promotions. Can be used as a promotion criteria.
  • Trophies. Can be used to award trophies.
  • Members list. Show a list of notable members based on time spent online rankings.

How it works

Whenever a member browses or performs actions on your forum, their 'last active time' is recorded. When they perform another action or view another page, the time elapsed between the two actions or views is noted. If it is less than the XenForo session timeout period, the elapsed time is added to their total time spent online.

Install & Upgrade
  • Follow general instructions
  • Set the permission for who has the right to view members' time spent online.
    • Admin control panel -> Users -> Permissions -> User Group Permissions -> [user group] -> Time Spent Online -> Can view members' time spent online


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Reactions: RobinHood
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. v 1.2.2

    Product was taken over from Yugensoft. NO new features or bug fixes. No need to update your...
  2. v1.2.1

    Fixed member list ordering
  3. v1.2.0

    Added members list tab.

Latest reviews

Great addon, but why don't you add it into Message User Info and Member Card section, if you could add it, then it would be really awesome
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