User/Inbox/Alert Icon Replacement

Unmaintained User/Inbox/Alert Icon Replacement

User/Inbox/Alert Icon Replacement

Simple template modification to change the look of your visitor navigation tabs.

First off, I decided to use Font Awesome, just seemed as easy to use as anything.

So, in order to do that, go to the template...
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  • Screenshot_3.webp
    2 KB · Views: 294

Latest updates

  1. FA 4.0.3

    This code has been updated to be using Font Awesome 4.0.3 stylesheet.
  2. Username Replacement

    Added username replacement code.

Latest reviews

Excellent add-on i found out the problem i was having from my board wasnt your add-on it was the icon next to your name add-on that was pushing all of the links/images to the right of the page. Your add-on it awesome.
A Must Have!
Looks great on my phone!
Thank you! Great tutorial and well written.
Great one!
This is a very cool idea Sheldon... implemented on my main forum.
Thank you! This has been very helpfull.
excellent, it makes navigation much better on mobile devices
Just added this code and this looks incredible! Using images to the left of the wording. Thank you so much!
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