TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

Unmaintained TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.7.2

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Version 1.0.3 released
  • Add a smilies picker (can click on several smilies to insert them in the editor => doesn't close the modal on the first click). This should show you what can make the TinyMCE 4 new modal.
  • Smilies button menu width and max-height can be configured with options
  • Smilies picker modal content width and max-height can be configured with options
  • Add a smiley in the XenForo font icon for the smilies picker
  • Move an admin css template from BBM to this addon
You can see this smilies picker on this website.


  • mce18.webp
    10.5 KB · Views: 57
  • mce19.webp
    37.7 KB · Views: 56
  • mce20.webp
    31.8 KB · Views: 54
Version 1.0.2 released
  • Some bugs have been fixed
  • Maps of default buttons in database (used by BBM v2)
  • Implementation of a method to create different kinds of custom Buttons with different return methods (used by BBM v2)
  • Javascript demo (kind of tutorial) to manage custom buttons using a template
  • New icons in XenForo font
  • Option to enable or disable the editor for mobile devices
  • Option to enable or disable the editor per usergroups
Please read this:
  1. The editor is now in live on this website.
  2. A Button Manager is now available (currently on Github and soon here)
  3. I will write a documentation about icons fonts tonight or tomorrow (to use with BBM v2). You will see it really rocks!
  4. I will write a documentation about the framework too, I'm not sure yet when.
Version 1.0.1 released
  • Autoresize minimum/maximum height config were hardcoded whereas there
    are variables for this.
  • Fix the autoresize maximum height variable name
  • Code available on Github
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