TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

Unmaintained TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.7.2

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Version released
  • Disable fullscreen mode on submit - @thanks to jauburn
  • Prevent an overlay to load while another one is loading
  • Add a missing phrase (table) - @thanks to Fly_indiz
  • Add a new callback: "onclose" (for xen overlays)
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Reactions: DistortedDorian
Version released
  • Fix the last code cleaning
  • Fix a problem that have some older versions
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Reactions: DistortedDorian
Version released
  • Framework code cleaner
  • Overlay dialogs now support inline scripts

And an early preview of something that will require the update:
Version released

  • Update to TinyMCE 4.0.12
    Information - Changelog
    P.S: This update fixes a bug on IE9 when consecutive insertions were done inside the editor (they were in the reverse order)
  • Fix a little bug of the 1.7 branch with the draft button
  • Add visual options to set the width&height of the Font size and Font Family menus
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Reactions: DistortedDorian
Version released
  • Fix a bug with the "Extend MCE insert command" function (has an impact of the QuoteME addon)
  • Add an option to disable inline edits on mobile with TinyMCE Quattro and XenForo 1.1.x stock editor
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Reactions: DistortedDorian
Version released
  • Add new options to set a minimum & maximum height for the QuickReply Editor
  • Fix a glitch with the Fright plugin (allows the float right buttons inside the editor) and improve its code a lot
  • New XenForo Code Event (listener) to programmatically add an extra plugin in the TinyMCE extra plugins (for developers)
    (an addon will be upgraded very soon with an example)
    Edit: see the QuoteME addon
Version released

  • Added a TMS modification to integrate the editor to XenForo 1.1.x (Github ref)

To read what's new with 1.7.x version, click here. For those who have already installed 1.7.0 version and are using XenForo 1.2.x, this update is useless.
Version 1.7.0 released

This update is a major one, not because of the new features but because of the update to TinyMCE 4.0.11 (the last TinyMCE version of this addon was 4.0.8) which has quite many modifications that has implied to modify the framework. TinyMCE developers have worked a lot to fix bugs and rewrite some plugins (for example the advanced tab plugin). I guess the version 4.1 should come soon.

To get the changelog of TinyMCE versions, click here. Some special thanks to Spocke, the TinyMCE main developer, who took time to reply to my questions.

So put aside the changelog of TinyMCE, here are the modifications of this addon:

  • Responsive mode for small screens
    • Users of the BBM Advanced BbCodes can update with the preview version available on Github (click on "download zip"). Only templates have been modified at the moment, I still need to make these BbCodes compatible with mobile devices (obviously no time this weekend)
    • Can be disabled in the style options
    • Dialog templates modified
    • Only for XenForo 1.2 (reason: use the jQuery "prop" function)
  • XenForo Smilies Box (below the editor) integration (compatible with the Smiley Manager of Milano)
  • Other Smilies Modal Windows have been optimized
  • Option to make the editor manually resizable (this option has been included to avoid to be flooded by the repeated messages from Jauburn ;) )
  • A few bugs have been fixed (ie:tag feature on IE9)


  • opt1.webp
    13.8 KB · Views: 48
  • opt2.webp
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  • opt3.webp
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  • preview1.webp
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  • preview2.webp
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Version released
  • Compatible with the Smiley Manager of Milano
    • Categories are working with the Modal/Slider Smiley button
    • A category can be used for the Smiley Menu button
    • Option added to show uncategorized smilies at the bottom
    • The options "[Menu button] Number of smilies?" and "[Slider Smilies] Number of smilies per slide" are still working.
  • Whitespace management:
    • Emulate tabs option modified
    • New option "Emulate all whitespaces in html" for those who need this
    • Wysiwyg HTML > BbCode Parser Patch modified for XenForo 1.2 (will avoid to edit a file)
  • Add an option to bypass the XenForo 1.2 limit to prevent the Wysiwyg Editor to load IE7 (will only work with TinyMCE)
  • Fix some bugs with old IE versions
  • Framework: new function to get a parameter of the xenMCE.Params object

See screenshots in the last update information.
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Reactions: Tize
Version released
  • Compatible with the Smiley Manager of Milano
    • Categories are working with the Modal/Slider Smiley button
    • A category can be used for the Smiley Menu button
    • Option added to show uncategorized smilies at the bottom
    • The options "[Menu button] Number of smilies?" and "[Slider Smilies] Number of smilies per slide" are still working.
  • Whitespace management:
    • Emulate tabs option modified
    • New option "Emulate all whitespaces in html" for those who need this
    • Wysiwyg HTML > BbCode Parser Patch modified for XenForo 1.2 (will avoid to edit a file)
  • Add an option to bypass the XenForo 1.2 limit to prevent the Wysiwyg Editor to load IE7 (will only work with TinyMCE)
  • Fix some bugs with old IE versions
  • Framework: new function to get a parameter of the xenMCE.Params object


  • bypassie7limit.webp
    8.2 KB · Views: 41
  • sm_addon.webp
    46.5 KB · Views: 41
  • menu.webp
    9.3 KB · Views: 36
  • modal.webp
    13.8 KB · Views: 41
  • slider.webp
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  • whitespace.webp
    35.2 KB · Views: 35
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Reactions: Tize
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