TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

Unmaintained TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.7.2

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Version 2.5.5 released
  • Fix two JavaScript bugs:
    • An old one that was quite serious: some options didn't really work because some of your settings couldn't be retrieved
    • A recent one that comes with the last update of TinyMCE: a official function has been modified, so the integration needed to be updated to prevent an error during the load of JavaScript (was only triggered in some occasions)
    • Thanks to Karll & Olly Wood
  • If you are using the Bbm addon, TinyMCE quattro will now check if it has been disabled to prevent to use the Bbm Buttons layout
  • Force Font-Awesome css properties to work with the official MCE skin or any custom skin manually loaded (the integrated skin didn't have any issue with font-awesome)
  • Tiny css modification with the smilies below box

This update is recommended since it fixes a previous JS issue.
Version 2.5.4 released
Information: there's still a bug with the TinyMCE minimum height size on Internet 11. I've looked at it and it seems the problem is coming more from IE 11 than TinyMCE. This bug has been reported to the TinyMCE staff.
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Reactions: Xon and jauburn
Version 2.5.3 released
It seems the next official update of TinyMCE takes time, so I'm going to publish here the current version of this addon available on Github. Here's what's new:
  • a PHP workaround has been found for the TinyMCE #7378 bug
    Blank lines in list are now kept
  • Session check added to prevent bugs with other addons that prevent access to the session
  • Options have been refactored (only the layout) ; it makes more sens now
  • The isEnable function has bee modified: on the controller Admin, it will return now false ; this would avoid Wysiwyg Bb Codes to parse in Redactor in the admin side
  • XenForo options - configuration of the buttons that must not be included in the menu: the option is now compatible with the Font Awsome icons (I had forgotten to do it here) ; fix a bug as well
  • HR tag, the setting "trimLeadingLinesAfter" has been set to 2 instead of 1 to avoid an extra blank line after the HR tag
  • Some code has been updated (transparent modification)

Information: there's still a bug with the TinyMCE minimum height size on Internet 11. I've looked at it and it seems the problem is coming more from IE 11 than TinyMCE. This bug has been reported to the TinyMCE staff.
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Reactions: Xon and jauburn
Version 2.5.2 released
  • Update to TinyMCE 4.1.7 (Changelog) ;
    @Xon the cache suffix is now officially there
  • Fix a wysiwyg quote issue
  • Fix a justify align issue
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Reactions: Xon
Version 2.5.1 released

This version doesn't add new features and it will be the same thing for the next following ones. The integration is now mature and includes all major features of TinyMCE. So the updates will now focus on improving the integration, fixing bugs and sticking to TinyMCE updates.

  • Fix a problem with the XenForo draft integration - Thanks to Xon
  • The new function "alterTagBeforeComplete" has been modified to avoid any issues with other features. It uses now a clone of the editor body and doesn't modify the original body - Thanks to Xon
  • The JavaScript cache string for this addon JS files is now based on the XenForo version AND this addon version. This would automatically reload the JavaScript files after an addon update. This means the paragraph 8 of the Faq should be now obsolete.
    P.S: this cache string is not applied yet to the TinyMCE plugins. A request has been made.
Version 2.5.0 released
  • Add "format" wysiwyg Bb Code. Support all headings html tags: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 & h6, and three customized text style formats (based on the span tag) - see screenshots.
  • Modify some code in the JS framework:
    • RTE<=>Bb Code editor toggle improved
    • For developers: new parent function to alter a tag before the Wysiwyg HTML => Bb Code conversion. This is very convenient to create fake html tags than can be controlled with the XenForo Html to Bb Code class. Name of this function: "alterTagBeforeComplete".
  • The way the QuickReply editor is reset has been modified: it's now fully reloaded to be sure all events are binded to the editor after the XenForo auto complete.
    P.S: the loader has been modified with a second optional argument to use the mce setup event (is called during the init of mce)
  • User tagging system modified to clean the current mce bookmark when the users stops the show results procedure ;
    A big thanks to Firnagzen, Xon and all the "Sufficient Velocity" board members who helped with this issue.

  1. To update the main JavaScript file, don't forget read the paragraph 8 of the FAQ
  2. Some members have reported weird behaviours with some other addons. Please be sure these issues don't come from these addons (especially when they are paid ones => I can't check them) before reporting them in the thread. If the problem comes from this TinyMCE integration, don't hesitate to share any solution on Github. Thanks.
  3. The tapatalk addon has a problem with a part of its code which triggers an error (with itself) if this addon is installed. The developers have at the moment posted an update in this thread (post #4).


  • format_bm.webp
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  • format_ed1.webp
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  • format_post.webp
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  • format_styleprop.webp
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  • format_styleprop2.webp
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Version 2.4.1 released
  • Update version number to allow new buttons installation in the database
  • Get rid of an useless jQuery function that could triggers errors in some config
To see what is new in the 2.4.x release, please read this.
Version 2.4.0 released
  • TinyMCE updated to 4.1.5 version (changelog)
  • HR wysiwyg tag added
  • Anchor wysiwyg function added
    • Dedicated button to create anchors
    • Display all anchors of the post being written inside the Link/Email insertion modal (new tab available)
    • These automatic anchors can work by view, but it's recommended to use them by post
    • Compatible with ajax edit - it will use information of the previous none json request ; purpose: avoid incorrect full URI just after an edit
  • Smilie icon fixed in admin side
  • XenForo integration files up to date (support XenForo QuoteME function)
  • Mini parser (used by the table Bb Code) updated to the last version
  • For developers: new JavaScript TinyMCE listener that fires an event before the message is submitted
Personal comment:
With these two new wysiwyg Bb Codes, most of advanced html editor functions have been integrated, which should be the first time it has been done on a forum script using Bb Codes in the background.

Put aside the addon framework and some of its helpers, this was achieved thanks to a open structure of XenForo (especially since XenForo 1.2) and thanks to probably the best editor on the market, TinyMCE, which has an amazing support.

There's still one of its feature I would like to integrate, the "format" selector (see the official demo) since it makes easier for redactors to respect and share a standard layout. Another thing would be to extend the type of lists.

  1. To update the main JavaScript file, don't forget read the paragraph 8 of the FAQ
  2. Some members have reported weird behaviours with some other addons. Please be sure these issues don't come from these addons (especially when they are paid ones so I can't check) before reporting them in the thread. If the problem comes from this TinyMCE integration, don't hesitate to share any solution on Github. Thanks.


  • anchor_demo_00.webp
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  • anchor_demo_01.webp
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  • anchor_demo_04.webp
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  • anchor_demo_05.webp
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  • anchor_demo_06.webp
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  • anchor_demo_07.webp
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  • anchor_demo_opts.webp
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  • hr_demo.webp
    23.2 KB · Views: 123
Version 2.3.1 released
  • Revert back to the former version of the mini-parser
Version 2.3.0 released
  • Update to TinyMCE 4.1.4 (ref)
    • The member Isil`Zha had reported a minor problem with lists when pasting some text from Microsoft Word to the editor. This problem has been fixed with that version, but a bug still remains (ref)
    • A fix has been submitted for that bug. Since it requires a really minor regex change, the fix has been integrated in this release
  • Support of the new features of the BBM 3.0 version:
    1. XenForo custom Bb Codes
    2. Font Awesome icons for buttons
  • Option to respect XenForo editor height - Thanks to kevinchan
  • Fix the link dialog output - Thanks to Main Company

  1. To update the main JavaScript file, don't forget read the paragraph 8 of the FAQ
  2. Some members have reported weird behaviours with some other addons. Please be sure these issues don't come from these addons (especially when they are paid ones so I can't check) before reporting them in the thread. If the problem comes from this TinyMCE integration, don't hesitate to share any solution on Github. Thanks.


  • mceHeightOpt.webp
    33.3 KB · Views: 51
  • quattro_new_01.webp
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  • quattro_new_02.webp
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  • quattro_new_03.webp
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