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Unmaintained Thread Starter Alerts 1.2.1

No permission to buy ($35.00)
XF2 version

Q: This add-on is blocking upgrading to XF2, how can this be resolved?
A: Before attempting to upgrade to to XF2, the following queries need to be done:
ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option`
    ADD COLUMN `interaction_watch_state__conflict` ENUM('','watch_no_email','watch_email','watch_op_email') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER default_watch_state;
update xf_user_option
set interaction_watch_state__conflict = default_watch_state;

update xf_user_option
set default_watch_state = ''
where default_watch_state = 'watch_op_email';
After upgrading run the following queries to restore the watch state:
ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option`
    CHANGE COLUMN `interaction_watch_state` interaction_watch_state ENUM('','watch_no_email','watch_email','watch_op_email') NOT NULL DEFAULT '';

update xf_user_option
set creation_watch_state = interaction_watch_state__conflict, interaction_watch_state = interaction_watch_state__conflict
where interaction_watch_state__conflict = 'watch_op_email';

ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option`
    DROP COLUMN `interaction_watch_state__conflict`;

Then install the XF2 version of this add-on
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