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Unmaintained Steam Status/Profile Image 1.1

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What does this do?
It displays the status/profile image above signatures. It even links the image to the users Steam Profile page!

Can i see a demo?
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How do i install this?
Upload the attached image to your forum directory. The image is important as it shows users how to find their SteamID (screenshot of Steam)

1) Admin Panel > Users > Custom User Fields > +Create New Field.


Field ID: steamid

Title: SteamID

Description: To get your SteamID, do the following:<br /><br />
1) From your Friends List window, click your avatar image (next to your name at the top).<br />
2) On the right side of the page, there's a box titled "Actions". Click "Edit my Profile".<br />
3) Near the center of the page you'll see "Custom URL" section. Copy the text in the textbox and paste it into the field above on this site.<br />
<img src="your-steamid.gif">

Display Location: Contact Details

Field Type: Single-line text box

(Now click "Options for Text Fields" tab)

Value Match Requirements: A-Z, 0-9, and _ only

Maximum Length: 31

(Now click "General Options" tab)

Uncheck "Viewable on profile pages" and check anything else you want.

Note: Field ID is important. If you changed it from what i put above, then take note of it.

2) Add the display code to your "message" template. Or create a new template modification with Template Modification Systemaddon.

Admin panel > Appearance > Templates > Search: message


        <xen:if is="{$visitor.content_show_signature} && {$message.signature}">

Insert Above:

<xen:if is="{$message.customFields.steamid}"><br /><div align="center"><a href="{$message.customFields.steamid}" target="_blank"><img src="{$message.customFields.steamid}.png"></a></div></xen:if>

        <xen:if is="{$visitor.content_show_signature} && {$message.signature}">


Note: If you changed the custom profile fields' Field ID, then you will need to change all instances of "steamid" (3 of them) in the above code

My Experience
I've made a few simple plugins for Vbulletin and ive been using this code in my Vbulletin forum for years. I figured out how to port it to Xenforo.

Use at your own risk. It *shouldn't* mess up anything though.
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