Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x)

Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) 4.0.3

No permission to buy ($50.00)
Notable changes:
  • Fixed layout issues
  • Added default privacy in category settings
  • Added new member role allow use inline moderations in thread
  • Fixed warning error in batch groups
  • Support resource icon
  • Fixed PHP8 warning
Notable changes:
  • Fixed error invalid arguments
To update this version you just need upload all files.
Notable changes:
  • Fixed invalid fetch relations
  • Improvement phrases
Notable changes:
  • Fixed group member counter may not update correctly
  • Fixed invalid content type for group post
Notable changes:
  • Fixed missing phrases
  • Fixed cannot view any albums if personal albums disabled
  • Fixed new comment use invalid layout
  • Fixed latest comments does not shown in some cases
  • Fixed api always require attachment key
Notable changes:
  • Added new feature: Batch update groups
  • Added media member role permissions
  • Fixed filter staff members missing data
  • Fixed error when approved group
  • Fixed call undefined methods
  • Added member roles permissions page.
Notable changes:
  • Implemented auto clean up inactive groups in X days
  • Added new member role: Post to news feed
  • Implemented filter group language in index
  • Support new criteria: Member of specific groups
  • Added new member role: View edit post history
  • Fixed fatal error on dupe import
  • Fixed error when using invalid event timezone
  • Like
Reactions: Frode789
Notable changes:
  • Support user criteria
    • Users joined any groups
    • Users manage any groups
  • Fixed edit forum error
  • Fixed option "Maximum news feed preview content" rule are not working as expected
  • Fixed incompatible with latest XenForo Media Gallery
  • Fixed missing thread content for some specific thread types
Notable changes:
  • This version required XenForo 2.2.0 or higher
  • Added option to disable Resources
  • Added option to disable Events
  • Fixed reply to comment given exception error
  • Correct set containerKey and contentKey
Notable changes:
  • Added new feature: Group resources
  • Added new page: Invited groups
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