Similar threads

Similar threads 8.5

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Similar threads v6.2 changes:

Similar threads results block now has scrollbar to allow viewing additional results.
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Reactions: imno007
Similar threads v6.1 changes:

Fixed issue with Elasticsearch 7.6.0 causing server error logs.
Similar threads v6.0 changes:

Added bottom margin to similar threads block. Also updated PHP code to prevent server error logs if elasticsearch is not available.
Similar threads v5.9 changes:

Added additional code to prevent server error logs during times when elasticsearch is not available.
Similar threads v5.8 changes:

Added additional CSS to the andy_similarthreads.less template. This allows adjusting the margin of the similar threads block.

Similar threads v5.7 changes:

Removed auto close function. Similar threads now remain displayed while composing message.
Similar threads v5.6 changes:

Similar threads in responsive now shows just the thread titles.
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Reactions: AbuGhaith
Similar threads v5.5 changes:

Fixed issue when quick thread is disabled. JavaScript error was showing when quick thread was used.
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Reactions: DerTobi75
Similar threads v5.4 changes:

Improved compatibility for XF v2.1.2 and ElasticSearch v7.0 or newer.
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Reactions: AbuGhaith
Similar threads v5.3 changes:

Fixed issue dealing with getting the correct node_id during thread creation. Now properly supports URL portion.
Similar threads v5.2 changes:

Fixed issue where server errors were logged if Elasticsearch was not found or available.
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