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Schedule Content for XF 2.x 2.2.0

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Updates duration
12 months ($18.00 yearly renewable)
Visible branding
Description: This addon allow user can set scheduled post.
When a thread was scheduled this only display for admin, mod and owner of thread can view :)
- Admin or Mod (who have permission to do) can stop scheduling thread

  • Support invisible (thread don't display before publishing) and locked (thread don't allow reply before expiring)
  • Support send alerts to user.
  • Support changing owner of thread. (Supported 1.2.1)
  • Allow set default scheduled time and custom scheduled time. (Supported 1.2.1)
  • Support 12 hours or 24 hours format.
  • Allow each group user can add scheduled thread
  • Allow each group user can edit scheduled thread
  • Allow each group user can view scheduled thread although thread still don't publishing
  • Allow each group user can view list of scheduled threads.
How to use:
  • Install Addon
  • Set permission for each group user can set scheduled post
  • Set permssion for each group can edit scheduled

Live for test:
  • Screen Shot 2022-01-04 at 4.14.59 PM.webp
    Screen Shot 2022-01-04 at 4.14.59 PM.webp
    38.7 KB · Views: 395
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from truonglv

Latest updates

  1. 2.2.0

    Notable changes: Fixed display incorrect schedule message.
  2. 2.1.7

    Notable changes: Remove unnecessary join tables.
  3. 2.1.6

    Notable changes: Improvement load schedule data

Latest reviews

Works great, a simple way to schedule threads for future events. Quick response for any support issues.
Very useful addon, with an easy-to-use, appealing interface. Options to schedule threads or posts, or change thread titles/creators, move to forum, stick/unstick, and delete, also all at appointed times. Your scheduled content is visible only to you, easily available for editing; and there's also a nice schedule list, divided by threads and posts, just a click away in navigation, also good for editing purposes and for when you want to recheck those schedule times so that you don't end up with multiple content published simultaneously or too close together. In addition, the developer quickly offered me support with a few issues I had (which turned out to be mostly due to other outdated addons), and very quickly fixed a couple of minor template errors I pointed out. So this is really an example of getting what you pay for.
Excellent product and one of those that was important to me from moving to Xenforo2 from 1. More features than the one I used to have on Xenforo1 too! My members love it.
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