[SC] Separate Sticky Threads

[SC] Separate Sticky Threads 2.0.0

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Update of the add-on to version 2.0.0 :
  • This version of the add-on requires version 2.1.0 Beta 1 and higher of XenForo.
  • Now you can easily modify the Font Awesome icons.
  • Added a style property to define the value of the spacing between the icon and the text.
Note : if you are running XenForo 2.1+ and you have an older version of this add-on you must uninstall it to install this new version.

Screen :

If you have questions, ask me or @SyTry !
Update of the add-on to version 1.1.0 :
  • Modification of sentences.
  • Added two style properties to define the color of normal/sticky threads (@sandnes) :

Screen :

If you have questions, ask me or @SyTry !
No change, replacement of the word "Seperate" by "Separate". (@Mr Lucky)
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