MineSync, for XF2

MineSync, for XF2 3.3.2 (S2.3)

No permission to buy (£35.00)
The price of MineSync for XF2 has increased from £30.00 to £35.00 (excl. VAT). We believe this price fairly reflects the time and effort we put into support and maintenance.
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MineSync 3.1.1 includes a fix for a bug reported to us by a customer.

This bug affects all 3.x versions and was not introduced in 3.1.x. It is a minor bug which caused timezones to be displayed as the board default, regardless of individual user preferences.

  • Fix a bug where user timezone preferences weren't properly applied due to templater hook issue.
MineSync 3.1.0 includes a large amount of performance improvements, underlying code changes and bug fixes, and we're very glad to bring this update to you.

  • Delete duplicate, unprocessed update entries that could be created due to a MineSync node being hosted on multiple Minecraft servers. Only the most up-to-date entry is processed.
  • Continued/improved use of database transactions to prevent partial data w/ errors from being committed, hence ensuring data integrity.
  • Transactions have been optimised to help prevent MySQL lock errors
  • Misc. database optimisations
  • Save dates on user updates (e.g. new usernames or groups being sent to the site)
  • Fix a bug where a closed or permission-limited board would break API access
  • Add column defaults for altered tables, to prevent errors when MineSync is disabled
  • Alter table definition for xf_user:ncms_groups for boards that upgraded from XF1 (varbinary -> varchar)
  • Add 'ncms_linking_disabled' phrase (missing in previous versions)

Primarily through the optimisation of database transactions, and the additional consideration of duplicate entries, performance/load should be drastically improved (especially for larger networks, and medium-sized networks with weaker web servers).
Price has been updated from £25 to £30 for the XF2 version. The XF1 version remains priced at £25. Prices are excl. VAT, which is added on checkout.
This version includes some bug fixes relating to "new links" - as in the system granting rewards (in-game) to players that have linked their accounts:
  • Fixed bugs resulting in a player not receiving in-game rewards for linking their account.
  • Fix a bug where a column (in the ncms_newlink table) didn't have the correct length to support new linking.

Special thanks to @Penguinexpert1, a customer running MineSync, for reporting the bug and spending time with us to develop a fix.
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This update is a x.x.X level release. This update involves various important changes to note, even though we have classified it as a maintenance level release.

This update contains the following bug fixes / other changes:
  • Versioning changes, see: https://apantic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002594533-Versioning-Information
  • Bug fix: The 'ncms_confirm_unlink' phrase was missing in 3.0.2, this has now been added
  • Bug fix: Longer usernames would get cut off (~13 characters work)\*
  • Bug fix: Better checks to ensure the same player cannot use either the same Minecraft account, or the same XenForo account to double-receive new link rewards
  • Misc. bug fixes

The MineSync plugin (server node) is now maintained independently of the XenForo version. The new versioning is designated with a prefixed S on the server node. See the versioning changes article above for more information.

The server plugin contains the following changes:
  • Bug fix: Some command phrases were not available for customisation in the lang files. Those have now been added to the lang file, and can be customised.

* This is partially due to a small message user bar in the default XenForo style. This release makes it so when you increase the size of the message bar, the username area size also increases, which allows full (longer) usernames to be displayed. Many styles already have larger message user info areas, so this change should be instantly visible for those communities. Others may need to adjust style properties.
This version includes two bug fixes:
  • Fix a bug where groups could not be deleted
  • Show a message when trying to link an already linked account
This version incorporates two bug fixes:

  • Clicking "Save" in the options after generating a new API key resets the API key
  • Attempting to follow a /register link when logged in errored out - it now returns a friendly message.
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