
  1. X

    Xero Invoice Sync 2.6.1

    Syncs invoices (and refunds) from DragonByte eCommerce and XenForo User Upgrades into the Xero accounting package Limitations This add-on will create users in Xero based on XenForo account details but will not sync them on updates in XenForo or in Xero Requirements A Xero subscription...
  2. X

    Not a bug Sync media embeds

    Hi, We've started using the sync feature to show post attachments in the media gallery, it works great for pictures but it does not seem to work with embeds (e.g videos). There is an embed option in the gallery filter and I can add an embed to the gallery directly, but I would like to sync...
  3. nanocode

    Unmaintained MineSync, for XF2 3.3.2 (S2.3)

    MineSync brings the gap between your Minecraft server and your XenForo forum closer, by integrating both very closely. With MineSync, you can have your players link their accounts together, sync ranks, show usernames, UUIDs and groups on posts and profiles as well as an extendible API to sync...
  4. jemacd

    Developer help required

    I'm looking to buy forum software that can sync the posts and comments of my facebook group. I know that VBSocial do a plugin for VBulletin ( but from reading countless reviews, it would seem that XF are the preferred platform. I've asked...
  5. zadow

    Lack of interest sync thread when new post system.

    I am not really sure what it is called but. In many other sites when you just posted, and some other person post just after you. Today, i have to press reload page (f5) to see if there is a new post. On many other sites and message systems, there is no need to keep reloading page. Many...
  6. nanocode

    Unmaintained MineSync, for XF1 2.1.2

    MineSync brings the gap between your Minecraft server and your XenForo forum closer, by integrating both very closely. With MineSync, you can have your players link their accounts together, sync ranks, show usernames, UUIDs and groups on posts and profiles as well as an extendible API to sync...
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