LiteSpeed Cache for XF2 - Community

Unmaintained LiteSpeed Cache for XF2 - Community 2.3.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.2
Additional requirements
LiteSpeed Web Server 5.0.12+ w/ LSCache module
OpenLiteSpeed 1.3+ w/ cache module
Visible branding
Developed by LiteSpeed Technologies - the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for XenForo 2 (LSCXF2) is a PHP-based plugin that communicates with your installation of LiteSpeed Web Server(LSWS) and its built-in page cache, LSCache. Because LSCache is built directly into LSWS, overhead is significantly reduced and caching can be done more efficiently than with other PHP-based caches.

The current community version of LSCXF2 will only cache and serve pages for non-logged in users. After a user has logged in, their page requests will always hit the backend.

Additional Plugin Features
  • Significantly reduce server load and improve site performance through automatic page caching.
  • Support for HTTPS, HTTP/2, & QUIC out-of-box

Michael A.
First release
Last update


4.77 star(s) 13 ratings

More resources from Michael A.

Latest updates

  1. LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for XF2 v2.3.0

    [Improvement] Added "lost password confirm" as a do-not-cache page. [Improvement] Misc code...
  2. LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for XF2 v2.2.4

    [Misc] Re-uploaded v2.2.3-1 as v2.2.4 to address update notification issues.
  3. LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for XF2 v2.2.3-1

    [Bug Fix] Corrected a minor JSON syntax error in hashes.json file.

Latest reviews

I recently switched to Openlitespeed and am very happy with it. This add-on is the icing on the cake! Easy to install. Thanks for the work you have put into this.
This is providing very fast guest browsing. I find the page loading much quicker. I've recently migrated from vBulletin and was using dboptimize for guest caching, this is just as good.
It caches content.. But the feature set is extremely limited compared to WP, and practically no improvements have been added since the addon was released four years ago. Looking at other alternatives is not a bad idea at this point as they show no interest to improve on XF2.
Does what it's supposed to do.......... makes my site much faster for Guests! It only took about 10 minutes to get it all set up. Great addon!
for public view this works out really nice, super fast compared to before. I do notice a huge improvement in speed and so far no issues

great work A+++
Just found out about this add-on and it significantly improved my forum speed. Thanks for making this available!
Litespeed is AWESOME! The litespeed cache helps avoid PHP processing and serve dynamic content as if it was static which really helps speed up the response and use less server resources!
So far working well on a shared Litespeed server at Veerotech hosting. Server resources have dropped considerably from my older VPS. There was an issue with some desktop/mobile settings with another plugin, but Michael at Litespeed responded very quickly with a fix to resolve the mobile cookies/caching issue on this discussion thread.
Thanks for creating this AddOn. Performance of website is remarkable once I enabled this AddOn. Appreciate the work that went into this.
Significantly speeds up page views for guests. Resource usage appears to be lower due to less database queries.
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