Go To Top !

Unmaintained Go To Top ! 2.2.1

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 24 reviews

I use this add-on from the first version, and work very well. Now without images, and with pure css.
This add-on will make your forum even more user friendly and is really quite configurable. Whether you want a small button set, one that automatically dissolves after a specific time, or one for a responsive screen size it's very easy to do!
Works as intended!
Works as said, thank you.
Love the simple nature of this add-on and adds a great quality of life improvement.
Awesome addon!
Superb addon. Easy to install, automatically set the colour to my theme (which is very customised) and I tested on mobile as well and it also worked.
Latest version is the top one! Thank you for hard work!
Love the CSS only version. Very good, thank you.
I love the way it looks when your using different styles and have pure css enabled. It's also awesome that there's a go to bottom option as well.
Nice handy feature, works great ! Thanks
Brilliant! Thank you for that.
Great !
I wonder how come, that something like this is not yet in core as this is for me absolute necessity! Thanks a lot for this Cedric :)
Thank you Cedric
Excelent, thanks!
Just had a user asking me if I could enable this... and new I had seen it as an add on. Fantastic! job as normal. I love the chameleon option.
Just what I've been looking for!
Works Great!
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