CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Another small update but it does add a feature which has been requested a few times, which is the ability to have more than one featured thread on the forum index.

So for those who don't have the home/portal page enabled, this allows the forum index to be more of a hybrid home page/forum index.

Once you have upgraded, make sure you set up the new option as required - it defaults to 1.

Important Information
There may be errors generated and pages may fail to load after uploading the files and prior to importing the .xml file.
Once the .xml file is imported, the errors should cease.
If they don't, go to Options -> CTA Featured Threads and just save (there is no need to change anything).
Any such errors can then be safely deleted from the log.

There is a new option to set the maximum featured threads on the forum index to between 1 and 20.


Which results in this.


Each featured thread block can be individually configured with regards to polls, avatars, icons, background images, etc.

New Features, Functionality & Changes
  • Ability to display more than one featured thread block on the forum index

Bugs Fixed
  • What are these bugs you speak of?

New Options
  • Featured Threads Blocks
    • Forum List
      • Maximum Featured Threads

Changed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_list
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_list_list_item

New Phrases
  • cta_ft_option_maximum_featured_threads
  • cta_ft_option_maximum_featured_threads_explain
  • cta_ft_option_latest_forum_list_explain

Changed Phrases
  • cta_ft_option_latest_explain
This is a very small release which just resolves a couple of bugs.

Bugs Fixed
  • Fixed censoring bug with titles
  • Fixed bug related to the core XF bbcodestrip function (it was fixed in XF 1.5.1 but I am applying the same fix for those who don't upgrade XF)

That's it!
This is a relatively small update (OK, I admit it, it's tiny) which fixes a few bugs but also adds a "New Posts" block to the page.

Once you have upgraded, make sure you set up the new options and style properties as required.

Important Information
There will be errors generated and pages may fail to load after uploading the files and prior to importing the .xml file.
Once the .xml file is imported, the errors should cease.
If they don't, go to Options -> CTA Featured Threads and just save (there is no need to change anything).
Any such errors can then be safely deleted from the log.

There is a new option to enable the "New Posts" sidebar block on the page, mimicking what was added in XenForo 1.5.


NOTE: You must be running XF 1.5 Beta 2 or later in order for the new block to display.

It can be displayed on a per style basis using the new Style Property.


With it enabled, the "New Posts"" block will be displayed on the page.


New Features, Functionality & Changes
  • Option to show new posts on the page

Bugs Fixed
  • Fixed compatibility issue related to PHP 5.3 and earlier
  • Fixed bug with merging threads

New Options
  • Featured Threads Page
    • Sidebar New Posts

New Style Properties
  • CTA Featured Threads Page
    • Enable Sidebar New Posts

Changed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured

New Phrases
  • cta_ft_option_sidebar_new_posts
  • cta_ft_option_sidebar_new_posts_explain
This update adds a few useful features related to images, polls, and sorting.
It is now simpler and quicker to add custom icons, backgrounds, and slider images, as well as single click promotion to the slider.

Once you have upgraded, make sure you set up the new options as required, particularly if you are using automatic featuring.

Important Information
There may be errors generated and pages may fail to load after uploading the files and prior to importing the .xml file.
Once the .xml file is imported, the errors should cease.
If they don't, go to Options -> CTA Featured Threads and just save (there is no need to change anything).
Any such errors can then be safely deleted from the log.

If a thread has any attached images, it is now possible to use the first one for the icon, background, and slider.
The default settings for manual and automatic featuring are set in the options.



When featuring or updating a thread with at least one attached image in the first post, the checkboxes are available.


If the 'Slider' checkbox is checked, there is no need to promote the thread to the slider as it will be promoted automatically, making it a single click operation (or no clicks if the option is enabled by default).

If a thread has a poll, the expiry date can be set to that of the poll close date when featuring.


If the poll is already closed, the checkbox won't be available and the regular duration will apply.
The checkbox also won't appear when updating, even if there is an active poll; the option is only available when featuring.


Again, there are manual and automatic featuring options, which allow the checkbox to be enabled by default.

For a thread with both an active poll and attachment, all of the checkboxes will be available.


There are new sorting options for the slider entries, allowing them to be sorted on various criteria and in ascending or descending order.


Similarly the page also has new sorting options.


New Features, Functionality & Changes
  • First attached image can be used for the icon, background, and slider
  • Option to set expiry date to poll close date when featuring a thread with a poll
  • Sort order UI and options for the page - can be set independently of the slider entries
  • Sort order UI and options for the slider entries - can be set independently of the page
  • Major changes to the code related to consolidating functions and queries

Bugs Fixed
  • Author page canonicalization

New Options
  • Featured Threads Slider
    • Sort Order
  • Manual Featuring
    • Expire When Poll Closes
    • Use Attached Image
      • For Icon
      • For Background
      • For Slider
  • Automatic Featuring
    • Expire When Poll Closes
    • Use Attached Image
      • For Icon
      • For Background
      • For Slider
  • Featured Threads Page
    • Sort Order

Changed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads.css
  • cta_featuredthreads_feature
  • cta_featuredthreads_update

New Phrases
  • cta_ft_option_sort_order_expiry_date
  • cta_ft_option_sort_order_slider_date
  • cta_ft_option_sort_order_slider_explain
  • cta_ft_option_expire_when_poll_closes
  • cta_ft_option_expire_when_poll_closes_explain
  • cta_ft_expire_when_poll_closes
  • cta_ft_expire_when_poll_closes_explain
  • cta_ft_option_use_attached_image
  • cta_ft_option_use_attached_image_explain
  • cta_ft_option_for_icon
  • cta_ft_option_for_background
  • cta_ft_option_for_slider
  • cta_ft_use_attached_image_for
  • cta_ft_use_attached_image_for_explain
  • cta_ft_use_attached_image_for_explain_slider

Changed Phrases
  • cta_ft_option_sort_order_explain
  • cta_ft_do_not_use_default_icon_explain
I often read how polls get limited interaction.

It's certainly true on my site that the number of votes recorded for polls is a lot lower than I would like, or expect.

The driving force for this add-on has always been to expose content and engage members more.
This latest update will hopefully go a long way towards that.

Based on limited testing on my own site over the past week or two, participation in polls featured on the home page, forum list, etc. has increased by as much as 100%.

Important Information
The cta_featuredthreads_list_item template has been removed.

It has been replaced with three new templates:
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_list_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_view_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_find_new_wrapper_list_item
If you have customised this template, make a note of any changes before you upgrade.

Any customisations, modifications, add-ons, or styles which use this template will have to be updated to work with this new release.

It is now possible to feature polls, either with the associated thread, or on their own.




The polls are fully functional; votes can be made or changed and the results viewed.

Polls can be displayed on a per featured thread basis, via the radio buttons on the feature and update pages.



The default setting for manual and automatic featuring can be set in the options.



Style Properties control where the poll blocks are displayed.



The other main addition is the archive page now has tabs so it can be sorted on date, replies, likes, and views.


One minor change is the tab on the profile page has been moved to avoid conflicts with other add-ons. It is now after the [Information] tab.


New Features, Functionality & Changes
  • Options to show featured thread and poll together, the thread on its own, or just the poll
  • The archive page now has tabs for [Featured Threads] [Most Replies] [Most Likes] [Most Views]
  • Options and style properties related to displaying polls
  • Reddit share code updated to the latest version
  • Tab on the profile page has been repositioned to prevent a conflict with other add-ons inserting a tab in the same location

Bugs Fixed
  • Fixed bug related to the 'View member lists' permission and various elements on the featured threads page (navigation link, staff & members online blocks)

New Options
  • Manual Featuring
    • Display Poll
  • Automatic Featuring
    • Display Poll

New Style Properties
  • CTA Featured Threads Blocks
    • Enable Forum List Poll
    • Enable New / Recent Posts Page Poll
    • Enable Forum View Poll
  • CTA Featured Threads Page
    • Enable Poll

Changed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads_archive
  • cta_featuredthreads_archive_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_author_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_feature
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item_share
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item_sharecustom
  • cta_featuredthreads_find_new_wrapper
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_list
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_view
  • cta_featuredthreads_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_list_item_share
  • cta_featuredthreads_list_item_sharecustom
  • cta_featuredthreads_navigation_tab_links
  • cta_featuredthreads_slider
  • cta_featuredthreads_update

New Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads_find_new_wrapper_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_list_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_view_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_poll_block_controls

Removed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads_list_item

New Phrases
  • cta_ft_option_display_poll
  • cta_ft_option_display_poll_explain
  • cta_ft_option_thread_and_poll
  • cta_ft_option_thread_only
  • cta_ft_option_poll_only
  • cta_ft_display_poll
  • cta_ft_display_poll_explain
  • cta_ft_thread_and_poll
  • cta_ft_thread_only
  • cta_ft_poll_only
  • cta_ft_most_replies
  • cta_ft_most_likes
  • cta_ft_most_views

New Template Modification
  • cta_featured_threads_poll_block_title
  • cta_featured_threads_poll_block_controls

Changed Template Modifications
  • cta_featured_threads_member_view_tab
  • cta_featured_threads_author_view
This is a very minor release which resolves a few bugs.
The only other change is the slider and featured thread block have been moved above the sub forum node list in the the forum view.

New Features, Functionality & Changes
  • Changed position of slider and block in forum view to above the sub forums node list

Bugs Fixed
  • Fixed bug with incorrect name for template hook for cta_featuredthreads_featured_custom_middle template
  • Fixed bugs with slider CSS
  • Fixed bug related to profile tab option being disabled
  • Fixed bug related to RSS feeds and image proxy function

Changed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_custom_middle
  • cta_featuredthreads_slider.css

Changed Template Modifications
  • cta_featuredthreads_author_view – renamed to cta_featured_threads_author_view
  • cta_featured_threads_forum_view
  • cta_featuredthreads_images_link_thread_view – renamed to cta_featured_threads_images_link_thread_view
  • cta_featured_threads_forum_view
Yet another release which adds more useful features and functionality.

There is now an archive page which lists all currently and previously featured threads, based on permissions to view threads from the various forums.


This allows the portal page to be confined to a single page, which is more reflective of a true portal, while still making all featured threads easily discoverable.
Note that deleted threads are visible to those with the relevant permission to view them.

The archive page is controlled via new options and style properties.




Hand in hand with the archive page, there is now a [Featured Threads] tab on member profile pages, listing all of their own threads which have been featured.


Which actually resolves to a dedicated page for each member, making it possible to link to it directly, share it on social networks, etc.


Once again, those with the permission to view deleted threads will see those entries.

There are RSS feeds for both pages, available from a new icon/link in the footer when on the relevant page.



Position counters have been added to both pages, as well as new templates, making it possible to insert advertisements or custom content between the blocks, or even in them.




This can be achieved using standard conditional statements, such as:
<xen:if is="{$featuredThread.position} % {$xenOptions.ctaFtFeaturedThreadsPage.perPage} == 1">
    This appears in or below the second block on each page of the featured page

<xen:if is="{$archivedFeaturedThread.position} % {$xenOptions.ctaFtFeaturedThreadsArchive.perPage} == 1">
    This appears in or below the second block on each page of the archive page

See the comprehensive guide here: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/cta-featured-threads-portal.2599/update?update=13220

Prefixes can now be displayed in the blocks, controlled via style properties.

The default icon which was previously reserved for automatically featured threads, can now be toggled on or off for all featued threads, whether manually or automatically featured.
There are new options and checkboxes on the feature and update pages which control that.

The main resource text has been updated with all the new features and screenshots so I would recommend giving that another read: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/cta-featured-threads-portal.2599/

There are lots of changes in this release so the following list probably isn't comprehensive and is likely missing some things.

New Features, Functionality & Changes
  • Archive page listing all currently and previously featured threads
  • [Featured Threads] tab on member profile pages, listing all of their own threads which have been featured
  • Dedicated author page for every member who has had one or more of their threads featured
  • RSS feed for the featured page
  • RSS feed for the archive page
  • Position counters added to each item on the featured and archive pages, allowing for easy ad management
  • Prefixes are now supported
  • Option to show a default avatar, the thread author's avatar, or a custom icon
  • All bxslider CSS classses have been prefixed to avoid clashes with other add-ons which utilise the same library
  • Various miscellaneous updates and improvements

Bugs Fixed
  • None! What are these bugs you speak of?
New Options
  • Profile Tab
  • Manual Featuring
    • Default Icon
  • Featured Threads Archive
    • Enable Archive
    • Archived Featured Threads Per Page
    • BB Code
    • Maximum Characters
Changed Options
  • Automatic Featuring
    • Default Icon

New Style Properties
  • CTA Featured Threads Settings
    • Enable Forums Tab Archive Link
  • CTA Featured Threads Blocks
    • Enable Prefix
  • CTA Featured Threads Page
    • Enable Prefix
  • CTA Featured Threads Archive
    • Remove Page Title
    • Enable Page Description
    • Enable Title Tooltip
    • Enable Prefix
    • Enable Smilies
    • List
    • Block
    • Container
    • Background
    • Avatar
    • Thread Content
    • Thread Title
    • Thread Title Link
    • Thread Text
    • Thread Text Link
  • CTA Featured Threads Archive Footer
    • Enable Author
    • Enable Author User Group Styling
    • Enable Date
    • Enable Forum
    • Enable Likes
    • Enable Views
    • Enable Replies
    • Enable Read More Link
    • Footer
    • Author
    • Date
    • Forum
    • Likes
    • Views
    • Replies
    • Read More Link

Changed Style Properties
  • Automatic Feature Icon Path – renamed to Default Icon Path

New Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads_archive
  • cta_featuredthreads_archive_custom_bottom
  • cta_featuredthreads_archive_custom_top
  • cta_featuredthreads_archive_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_archive_list_item_below
  • cta_featuredthreads_archive_list_item_body
  • cta_featuredthreads_author_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_author_view
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_custom_middle
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item_below
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item_body
  • cta_featuredthreads_footer_rss
  • cta_featuredthreads_member_view_tab

Changed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads.css
  • cta_featuredthreads_feature
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_helper_criteria_user
  • cta_featuredthreads_images
  • cta_featuredthreads_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_member_card
  • cta_featuredthreads_member_view
  • cta_featuredthreads_message_user_info
  • cta_featuredthreads_navigation_link - renamed to cta_featuredthreads_navigation_links
  • cta_featuredthreads_navigation_tab_links
  • cta_featuredthreads_option_template_archive
  • cta_featuredthreads_option_template_auto_feature
  • cta_featuredthreads_option_template_default_icon
  • cta_featuredthreads_option_template_page
  • cta_featuredthreads_quick_navigation_menu
  • cta_featuredthreads_slider
  • cta_featuredthreads_slider.css
  • cta_featuredthreads_update

New Phrases
  • cta_ft_all_currently_featured_threads_from_x
  • cta_ft_all_currently_previously_featured_threads_from_x
  • cta_ft_deleted_thread
  • cta_ft_featured_threads_archive_description
  • cta_ft_featured_threads_archive_title
  • cta_ft_featured_threads_by_x
  • cta_ft_featured_viewing_featured_threads_archive
  • cta_ft_option_archived_featured_threads_per_page
  • cta_ft_option_archived_featured_threads_per_page_explain
  • cta_ft_option_archived_maximum_characters
  • cta_ft_option_archived_maximum_characters_explain
  • cta_ft_option_default_icon_setting_explain
  • cta_ft_option_enable_archive
  • cta_ft_option_featured_threads_archive_explain
  • cta_ft_option_rss_feed
  • cta_ft_option_rss_feed_explain
  • cta_ft_requested_user_has_not_had_any_threads_featured
  • cta_ft_rss_feed_for_featured_threads
  • cta_ft_rss_feed_for_featured_threads_archive
  • cta_ft_there_are_no_featured_threads_to_display
  • cta_ft_this_rss_feed_is_disabled
  • cta_ft_use_default_icon

Changed Phrases
  • cta_ft_delete_icon_explain
  • cta_ft_featured_thread_user_counts – renamed to cta_ft_featured_threads_user_counts
  • cta_ft_featured_user_has_had_at_least_x_threads_featured – renamed to cta_ft_user_has_had_at_least_x_threads_featured
  • cta_ft_featured_viewing_featured_threads – renamed to cta_ft_viewing_featured_threads
  • cta_ft_featured_viewing_home - renamed to cta_ft_viewing_home
  • cta_ft_option_featured_thread_icon_explain
  • cta_ft_option_icon – renamed to cta_ft_option_default_icon
  • cta_ft_option_icon_explain – renamed to cta_ft_option_default_icon_explain
  • cta_ft_update_icon_explain

New Template Modifications
  • cta_featured_threads_member_view_tab
  • cta_featuredthreads_author_view
  • cta_featured_threads_footer_rss

Changed Template Modifications
  • cta_featured_threads_navigation_link - renamed to cta_featured_threads_navigation_links

  • .ctaFtArchiveDeleted
  • .ctaFtArchiveDeletedInfo
  • .ctaFtAuthorFeaturedThreads
  • .ctaFtAuthorList
  • .ctaFtAvatarArchive
  • .ctaFtBackgroundArchive
  • .ctaFtBlockArchive
  • .ctaFtContainerArchive
  • .ctaFtDateArchive
  • .ctaFtFooterArchive
  • .ctaFtForumArchive a
  • .ctaFtInfoTextArchive
  • .ctaFtInfoTextAuthor
  • .ctaFtLikesArchive
  • .ctaFtListItemsArchive
  • .ctaFtRepliesArchive
  • .ctaFtThreadContentArchive
  • .ctaFtThreadTextArchive
  • .ctaFtThreadTextLinkArchive
  • .ctaFtThreadTitleArchive
  • .ctaFtThreadTitleLinkArchive
  • .ctaFtViewsArchive
  • a.ctaFtReadMoreLinkArchive
  • a.ctaFtRssFeedArchive
  • a.ctaFtRssFeedPage
With the release of version 2.13, it is possible to insert advertisements or content between the blocks, or even in them.

The following templates are available on the featured page:



The following templates are available on the archive page:


The *_custom_top, *_custom_middle, and *_custom_bottom templates require no special conditions in order to display content. Simply paste the code into the templates.

The *_list_item_body and *_list_item_below templates are intended to be used with the position counters, to display content in or below specific blocks.
In order to do that, conditional statements are required.

The position counter starts from 0, so if there are 20 blocks per page, on the first page they will be numbered 0 - 19, on the second page 20 - 39, on the third page 40 - 59, and so on.

Featured Page
To show content in a specific block, use the cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item_body template:
<xen:if is="{$featuredThread.position} == 1">
    This content will show in the second block on the first page

<xen:if is="{$featuredThread.position} % {$xenOptions.ctaFtFeaturedThreadsPage.perPage} == 2">
    This content will show in the third block on each page

To show content below a specific block, use the cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item_below template:
<xen:if is="{$featuredThread.position} == 1">
    This content will show below the second block on the first page

<xen:if is="{$featuredThread.position} % {$xenOptions.ctaFtFeaturedThreadsPage.perPage} == 2">
    This content will show below the third block on each page

Archive Page
To show content in a specific block, use the cta_featuredthreads_archive_list_item_body template:
<xen:if is="{$archivedFeaturedThread.position} == 1">
    This content will show in the second block on the first page

<xen:if is="{$archivedFeaturedThread.position} % {$xenOptions.ctaFtFeaturedThreadsArchive.perPage} == 2">
    This content will show in the third block on each page

To show content below a specific block, use the cta_featuredthreads_archive_list_item_below template:
<xen:if is="{$archivedFeaturedThread.position} == 1">
    This content will show below the second block on the first page

<xen:if is="{$archivedFeaturedThread.position} % {$xenOptions.ctaFtFeaturedThreadsArchive.perPage} == 2">
    This content will show below the third block on each page

Utilising the position counters and conditional statements as shown, the following can be achieved.


Development of FT resumed a few weeks ago (after catching up on real life).

Important Information
If you are upgrading from a previous version, read the following carefully.

Due to various schema changes, after uploading the files and prior to importing the .xml file, the following error(s) may be generated: 'Undefined index: display'.
You can disable the add-on prior to upgrading, to prevent any errors, otherwise the errors will stop once the upgrade has commenced and the database and templates have been updated.
Any errors generated can be deleted from the log.

Once the upgrade has completed, navigate to Options -> CTA Featured Threads, check and update the options and click the [Save Changes] button to update the cache.
This is especially important if you use the automatic featuring option.
Failure to do so may result in featured threads not displaying or incorrect criteria being applied.

After upgrading, there should be two directories in the /js directory, like so:
  • /js/CTA
  • /js/cta
The upper case 'CTA' directory can be deleted as it is no longer used.

Here then are your early Xmas presents. Enjoy!

There is a new option related to showing featured threads globally, on the page only, as blocks only, or not displayed at all.
Separately for manual...


...and automatic featuring.


There is also a new option which controls where the avatar or icon is displayed. It can now be displayed on the left, right, or not at all, on a per featured thread basis.

Finally, it is now possible to set whether prefix text should be removed from the title.

The simple text area has been replaced with the rich text editor, allowing for much easier editing and composition of featured thread content.
As a result of this and due to the numerous options making the template much longer, the template view will now be shown in place of the feature...


...and update overlays.


As you would expect, it is possible to adjust all of the various (new) options when featuring (and updating).

Due to the rich text editor now being used in place of the simple text area and overlay, the related Style Properties have been removed.


As it is now possible to choose where individual featured threads are displayed, the page no longer shows all currently featured threads.
If desired, it could just show the slider (or nothing at all).


The "There are no featured threads to display." message is a phrase and has a unique CSS class, so should you wish to not display it, you can edit the phrase and remove the text, edit the template to remove it completely, or hide it using CSS and 'display: none'.

Further tweaks and improvements are listed below.

New Features, Functionality & Changes
  • The simple text area has been replaced with the rich text editor allowing for much easier editing and composition of featured thread content
  • BB Code for URLs (including media) is now automatically parsed
  • The template view will now be shown in place of the feature and update overlays – this is due to the simple text area being replaced with the rich text editor and the overlay becoming too large due to all the options
  • New option to show featured threads globally, on the page only, as blocks only, or not displayed at all, on a per featured thread basis – separately for manual and automatic featuring
  • New option to allow the avatar/icon to be displayed on the left, right, or not at all on a per featured thread basis – separately for manual and automatic featuring
  • New option to remove the thread prefix text from the featured thread title – separately for manual and automatic featuring
  • A featured thread will no longer be automatically unfeatured when being merged, if it is the destination thread
  • Threads in forums with automatic featuring set to all threads, which are not featured, will no longer be automatically featured when the lock or sticky status is changed
  • The image overlay now scrolls with the page
  • Confirmation is no longer required when dismissing a featured thread
  • Changed the quick navigation link title to "Home" instead of "Featured Threads", if the home page is enabled
  • Improved the feature and update templates HTML
  • Renamed the JS directories to lower case

Bugs Fixed
  • Fixed bug related to moderated and deleted threads being featured when moved into a forum with automatic featuring set to all threads
  • Fixed bug related to a horizontal scrollbar for RTL fluid widths
  • Removed superfluous slider CSS related to vendor prefixes

New Options
  • Manual Featuring
    • Prefix Text
    • Display
    • Display Avatar/Icon
  • Automatic Featuring
    • Prefix Text
    • Display
    • Display Avatar/Icon

Removed Style Properties
  • CTA Featured Threads Settings
    • Overlay Content Rows
    • Feature Overlay Message Area Maximum Height
    • Update Overlay Message Area Maximum Height

Changed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads_images
  • cta_featuredthreads_slider.css
  • cta_featuredthreads_quick_navigation_menu
  • cta_featuredthreads_thread_view_controls
  • cta_featuredthreads_thread_list_item_controls
  • cta_featuredthreads_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_feature
  • cta_featuredthreads_update
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured
  • cta_featuredthreads.css
  • cta_featuredthreads_images_link_thread
  • cta_featuredthreads_slider

Removed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads_images_link

New Phrases
  • cta_ft_as_block_only
  • cta_ft_current_background
  • cta_ft_current_slider
  • cta_ft_display
  • cta_ft_display_avatar_icon
  • cta_ft_display_avatar_icon_explain
  • cta_ft_display_explain
  • cta_ft_do_not_change
  • cta_ft_do_not_display
  • cta_ft_feature_duration
  • cta_ft_feature_duration_explain
  • cta_ft_for
  • cta_ft_globally
  • cta_ft_on_left
  • cta_ft_on_page_only
  • cta_ft_on_right
  • cta_ft_promote_to_slider_explain
  • cta_ft_option_as_block_only
  • cta_ft_option_display
  • cta_ft_option_display_avatar_icon
  • cta_ft_option_display_avatar_icon_explain
  • cta_ft_option_display_explain
  • cta_ft_option_do_not_display
  • cta_ft_option_globally
  • cta_ft_option_on_left
  • cta_ft_option_on_page_only
  • cta_ft_option_on_right
  • cta_ft_option_prefix
  • cta_ft_option_prefix_explain
  • cta_ft_option_use_negative_one_to_ignore_explain
  • option_ctaFtAvatarIcon
  • option_ctaFtContentBbCode
  • option_ctaFtDisplayGlobally
  • option_ctaFtPrefix

Changed Phrases
  • cta_ft_promote_to_slider_explain

Removed Phrases
  • cta_ft_check_display_globally
  • cta_ft_display_avatar_icon_right
  • cta_ft_display_avatar_icon_right_check_explain
  • cta_ft_display_avatar_icon_right_uncheck_explain
  • cta_ft_display_globally
  • cta_ft_do_not_change_feature_duration
  • cta_ft_feature_for
  • cta_ft_feature_indefinitely
  • cta_ft_message
  • cta_ft_title
  • cta_ft_uncheck_display_globally
  • cta_ft_option_display_globally
  • cta_ft_option_display_globally_explain

Changed Template Modifications
  • cta_featuredthreads_images_link_find_new_posts
  • cta_featuredthreads_images_link_forum_list
  • cta_featuredthreads_images_link_forum_view

Changed CSS
  • .ctaFtSliderWrapper
  • .bx-wrapper .bx-viewport
  • .bx-wrapper .bx-pager.bx-default-pager a
  • RTL classes for the slider
It's been over a month since the last update but for once real life had to come first and development a distant second.
Having said that, it's worth the wait ;)

Important Information
Due to the new profile posts option, there will be a server error 'Undefined index: sidebarProfilePosts' and the page will fail to load, until the cache is updated.

To do that, simply go to Options -> CTA Featured Threads and click the [Save Changes] button.
Any errors generated can be deleted once that has been done.

So, what goodies do I have for you this time?

Well for one, it is now possible to upload custom icons, backgrounds and slider bacgrounds via URL, or use the attachments from the first post.





The avatar or icon can be floated right on a per featured thread basis when featuring or updating.



The status update and profile post block introduced in XenForo 1.4 can be displayed on the page.


Controlled via a new option (which is independent from the forum sidebar block) and style property.



There is a new fade transtion style property for the slider.


Custom backgrounds now have their own style property.


Further tweaks and improvements are listed below.

New Features, Functionality & Changes
  • It is now possible to upload custom icons, backgrounds and slider bacgrounds via URL, or use the attachments from the first post
  • The avatar or icon can be floated right on a per featured thread basis when featuring or updating
  • The status update and profile post block can be displayed on the page
  • New fade transtion style property for the slider.
  • New Style Property for custom backgrouns
  • Maximum slider count has been increased from 20 to 50
  • The slider play/pause controls have been moved to the bottom right of the slider, partly due to the increased count but also to prevent an overlap with the pager dots
  • The height of the left and right controls on the slider now changes based on the screen width, to keep them more vertically centred on the image
  • The pager dots and play/pause controls are hidden on narrow screen widths
  • The Most Featured Threads tab no longer lists members with 0 counts
  • General improvements to the template HTML & CSS

Bugs Fixed
  • Changed the z-index of the slider left/right controls to prevent them showing over dropdown menus
  • Workaround applied for slides not showing in RTL
  • Fixed bug with thread title missing from slider link
  • Remove Featured Threads title when there are no featured threads or slider entries
  • Helper span reapplied to featured list items when custom background is applied
  • The tooltip for icons is now repositioned to match avatars (4px lower, to be precise)
  • Added check to only show dismiss option on account preferences page if there are dismissed threads to restore
  • cta_ft_option_home_tab_links_explain phrase edited to remove second 'will'

New Options
  • Featured Threads Page
    • Sidebar Profile Posts

New Style Properties
  • CTA Featured Threads Slider
    • Fade Transition
  • CTA Featured Threads Blocks
    • Background Image
  • CTA Featured Threads Page
    • Background Image

Changed Style Properties
  • CTA Featured Threads Blocks
    • Container
    • Background
  • CTA Featured Threads Page
    • Enable Sidebar Profile Posts
    • Container
    • Background

Changed Templates
  • cta_featuredthreads.css
  • cta_featuredthreads_account_preferences
  • cta_featuredthreads_feature
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured
  • cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_find_new_wrapper
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_list
  • cta_featuredthreads_forum_view
  • cta_featuredthreads_images
  • cta_featuredthreads_list_item
  • cta_featuredthreads_slider
  • cta_featuredthreads_slider.css
  • cta_featuredthreads_update
  • cta_featuredthreads_option_template_page
  • cta_featuredthreads_option_template_slider

New Phrases
  • cta_ft_attached_images
  • cta_ft_display_avatar_icon_right
  • cta_ft_display_avatar_icon_right_check_explain
  • cta_ft_display_avatar_icon_right_uncheck_explain
  • cta_ft_enter_a_url
  • cta_ft_option_sidebar_profile_posts
  • cta_ft_option_sidebar_profile_posts_explain
  • cta_ft_upload_image
  • cta_ft_upload_image_from_url
  • cta_ft_please_enter_a_valid_url
  • cta_ft_no_file_found_at_the_url_provided
  • style_property_ctaFtBackground_description_master
  • style_property_ctaFtBackgroundImage_description_master
  • style_property_ctaFtBackgroundImage_master
  • style_property_ctaFtBackgroundImagePage_description_master
  • style_property_ctaFtBackgroundImagePage_master
  • style_property_ctaFtBackgroundPage_description_master
  • style_property_ctaFtSliderOptionFade_description_master
  • style_property_ctaFtSliderOptionFade_master

Changed Phrases
  • cta_ft_cannot_save_file
  • cta_ft_image_cannot_be_found_try_another_image
  • cta_ft_option_home_tab_links_explain
  • cta_ft_option_maximum_entries_explain
  • style_property_ctaFtSliderOptionHorizontal_description_master
  • style_property_ctaFtSliderOptionHorizontal_master

Removed Phrases
  • cta_ft_upload_icon
  • cta_ft_upload_background
  • cta_ft_upload_slider_background
  • cta_ft_the_icon_should_be_x_by_y_pixels
  • cta_ft_delete_slider_background
  • cta_ft_delete_slider_background_explain

  • .ctaFtBackgroundImage
  • .ctaFtBackgroundImagePage
  • .ctaFtAvatarRight
  • .ctaFtIconRight
  • .ctaFtAvatarRightPage
  • .ctaFtIconRightPage
  • .ctaFtAttachedImages
  • .ctaFtAttachedImages img
  • . ctaFtAttachedImage

Changed CSS
  • .bx-wrapper .bx-controls-direction a
  • .bx-wrapper .bx-controls-auto
  • .ctaFtContainer
  • .ctaFtContainerPage
  • .ctaFtBackground
  • .ctaFtBackgroundPage
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