Version 2.4 10-09-2013
- Added support for phrase in widget title
- Added votes count in Resources renderer (top resources)
- Added support for Nodes As Tabs 1.2.1+
- Added layouts for Threads renderer
- Added User: Staff, Facebook: Facepile renderers
- Updated widget page layout editor
- Removed <h3 /> from widget title in tabbed mode
- Fixed HTML validation issue with wf_widget_wrapper
- Fixed bug showing threads without no viewOthers permission
- FIxed bug with cached HTML (in reveal mode)
- Fixed bug widget option for XenForo 1.1.5
- Fixed bug incorrect render of hook positions
- Added support for view object in widget rendering
This version includes one new feature: Widget Page. It's a node (just like Category, Forum and built-in Page) which only contains widgets, with support for endless layout configuration and paging. This new node type opens up new opportunities to build fully-customized dynamic page for XenForo.
Also bundled in this version is lots of XenForo 1.2 compatibility fixes.
This package can be used to installed on both XenForo 1.1.x and 1.2.0 Beta 1.
Change logs:
- Fixed bug for Resources renderer: display in wrong order
- Fixed bug for Resources renderer: rating stars do not show up
- Added new widget option: deactivate for mobile
- Added locking before rendering (cache enabled renderer only)
- Removed widget option show debug message
Change logs:
- Minor improvements
- Fixed bug redirected threads show up twice
- Fixed bug for Share This Page renderer
- Fixed bug empty widget container
- Fixed issues with "all" position
- Added template params for hook positions
- Added separated debug option (add to config.php: `$config['wfDebug'] = true;`)
- Added new options to Online Users renderer: show people you follow; show rich usernames
- Added support for XFRM: new renderer Resources (4 modes: new, updated, highest rating, most downloaded)
- Added support for XFRM: new option for Users renderer: order by resource count
Due to popular request, Feed Reader renderer has been added.
This minor release fixes some bugs in 2.0.1 but also added a reveal feature where admins can see all hooks/templates in place with button to quickly add a widget at the target hook/template. To activate the reveal mode, go the Add Widget page, click the link in the explanation of the position field.
New feature: Hook direct output support.
Previously, you have only the option to choose sidebar widgets, now you can use the same widgets directly on hooks. Any hooks in any templates will work. Any existing widgets, built-in or third party, will also work in hooks. Hook widgets will of course use the same powerful caching, tabs and ordering of the framework. Talking about ordering, there is one new feature too...
New feature: Negative display order support.
You can now use negative display order to make the widget show up appear the original contents. This will work for both sidebar widgets and hook widgets. So now you will be able to keep the default sidebar and stick something at the top of it (hint: just use a display order of -1).
I hope you all enjoy this updates. The hook feature may not make sense with built-in widgets but it will allow some amazing integration. I can't wait for that!
Version 1.5.4, 20-08-2012
- Fixed issue with "all" position in CSS templates
- Fixed bug in Recent Status widget (posting to wrong user profile)
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