[AP] Style Suite

[AP] Style Suite 2.11.12

No permission to buy (€15.00)
  • Cleanup Setup.php
  • Stop using assertViewableGroup() and use $parent->getParam() in Truonglv\Groups\Pub\Controller\Group
  • use bulkSet() in actionIgnoreStyle()
  • Create "custom profile blocks" feature - ensure you set the correct permission!
  • Add !important flag to users bold setting
  • Create style property for disabling profile styles per-theme
  • Allow controlling of postbit BG opacity, brightness, contrast
  • Fix custom post styles not applying to conversations
  • Improve logic of isIgnoringStyle()
  • Remove deprecated findProfileStyle()
  • Fix "Preset" radio button not auto-selecting when choosing an option from the preset dropdown in Admin controller
  • Only verifyColors() or verifyCss() if the relevant input is not empty
  • Use $app->em()->find() instead of $finder in Listener::criteriaUser() "has_pr_style"
  • Remove unused XF\Pub\Controller\Member::actionView() extension
  • Create function for determining hidden / special values of postbits & frames in public controller
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Reactions: Capitan Terror
  • Optimize handling of color verification slightly
  • Clean up deprecated Admin permissions
  • Create Post style admin options
  • Allow users to create a default style for their post message text
  • Fix longstanding bug where viewing a chatters profile with Siropu Chat 2 would cause the whole page to be reskinned
  • Fix [E_NOTICE] Trying to access array offset on value of type null when viewing a profile of a member with no custom style
  • Replace "css" textboxes with "less" boxes in templates
  • Clean up redundant phrases
  • Allow soft-deleting of default assets
  • Optimize method for checking if the visitor is ignoring a users styles
  • Fix Uncaught SyntaxError: missing : after property id javascript error
  • Use ternary operator for determining checked="checked" values in templates
  • Stop using template filters to clean up asset names since they can be renamed now
  • Always use xf:select and xf:option instead of generic HTML in templates
  • Use PHP to handle profile styles instead of requiring different templates for different themes
  • Small code cleanups for consistency
  • Officially support PHP 8.1
  • Remove deprecated UserProfile class extension
  • Assign class names to username icons so they can be styled with CSS (ap_ss_username_styles.less)
  • Allow renaming of Avatar Frames, Fonts, Postbit Presets, and Sparkles
  • Improve compatibility between inner-text animations and sparkles (custom titles can still show invisible text in when both effects are used together, but usernames should be fine)
  • Sticky style previews
    • Create "Sticky previews" style property
    • Create "Sticky preview offset" style property - useful if your theme has a sticky navbar and the preview is fighting for the same space as it
  • Fix template error in User Group editor
  • Don't proxy images if the URL is from the same server
  • Allow ignoring of a specific users styles without disabling styles for all users
  • Rebuild user group frame cache and not just user frame cache when clicking the "Rebuild frame cache" button
  • Fix Call to undefined method apathy\StyleSuite\Repository\Styles::service()
  • Create Custom Title/Tooltip/Username style cache rebuild jobs
  • Remove old Font/Frame/Sparkle cache rebuild jobs (since we added buttons to their admin controllers)
  • Use strtr() instead of str_replace() in various instances
  • Validate Postbit Image and Profile Header URLs
  • Proxy postbit URL images
  • Convert "Animated Flames" frame to WebP so it works correctly
  • Temporary workaround: Hide "delete" buttons from addon-shipped assets to prevent file health checks. The delete buttons will still work for assets you upload yourself.
  • Add "Rebuild caches" button to each admin controller
  • Create avatar frame setting macro
  • Check the visitors properties for "Disable postbit" value instead of the post author
  • Improve reliability of "Disable postbit" options preview
  • Fix postbit styles no longer applying to conversations
  • Fix postbit presets not saving correctly in the admin controller
  • Add ability to control background-size & background-position CSS
  • Verify colors / css during admin controller save processes
  • Add "Hidden/Special" options to postbit presets
  • Create macros for style setting templates to ensure Public & Admin controllers stay in sync
  • Rebase postbit settings admin controller
  • Create template helper for handling postbits
  • Auto-select "no-repeat" postbit option in templates
  • Remove old postbit gradient strength admin options
  • Create style properties for handling postbit gradients
  • Like
Reactions: btmgreg
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