Ad Manager

Ad Manager 1.9

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Reviews 4.83 star(s) 6 reviews

Tried this out as I quite like the dev who is pretty helpful. I didn't really think I'd see much from it but its actually a decent addon!

I used to just use code that showed adverts under every first post but I rarely got clicks and when I did, the value was ****e!

I'd say my site now earns about 40% more than it used to
Simple and Powerful Ad Manager. Brilliantly designed to encash more money through ads. Glad to be using it
Author very fix happening precisely with other add-on not compatibility been. Very useful addition, success in the development of Ad Manager
Makes managing Ads much easier as there is only a single template to configure. The option to exclude certain forums is very useful as Google Adsense Ads should not be shown on private forums.
I have tried this addition and it works great. Andy is awesome person, and #1 member on XenForo who provides exceptional support and is also willing to help out. He created so many great resources and XF community should have more incredible people like Andy.
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