8thos Google Authorship

Unmaintained 8thos Google Authorship 1.5

No permission to download
Google + Authorship is a service by Google that links your Google + Profile and avatar to the articles you create when people find your threads in google search and also shows you as the thread author in every thread you've created. You must be the thread author for this to work. It takes around two weeks for google to add you to authorship if you do get approved. They will send a notification to the email that's associated with your google circles account.

This resource is unsupported.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that Google doesn't guarantee to show author information in Google Web Search or Google News results.

Both the original file+ bug fix and a separate file for BigK's version are included.

WARNING: Everyone ignore BigK's version if you don't need it because I did something hackish. For The Admin and Mod's Only Version (Big K's Version. You must move the custom user field for googleplus and googleauthor from Contact Details to Personal Details. If you already have custom user fields for Personal Details then they will no longer be shown to regular members. Requested by TheBigK http://xenforo.com/community/thread...r-select-users-or-user-groups-on-forum.41264/

Google Authorship

Google Authorship Implemention

Perquisite: Must have the Template Modification System installed.


Step 1.

In AdminCP go to Users/User Customization/Custom User Fields/Create New Field

- Basic Information Tab -

Field ID: googleauthor
Title: Google Plus Author Name
Description: If you add your Google + profile name to this field, add your Google + Profile link in the Google Plus Link field, add a link to this website in your Contribute To section of Google + and post your thread on your Google + page then your Google + profile will be credited in search results.

Display Location: Contact Details
Display Order: 1
Field Type: Single-line text box.

- General Options Tab -

Only 'User editable' should be checked.

Save Field

Step 2.

In AdminCP go to Users/User Customization/Custom User Fields/Create New Field

- Basic Information Tab -

Field ID: googleplus
Title: Google Plus Link
Description: If you enter the link to your Google + Profile page, add your name to the Google Authorship field, and add a link to this website in your Contribute To section of Google + and post your threads on your Google + page then your Google + profile will be credited in search results.

Display Location: Contact Details
Display Order: 1
Field Type: Single-line text box.

- General Options Tab -

Only 'User editable' should be checked.

Save Field

Step 3.
Directions: Download the resource, unzip the contents and install the addon.

If you want to exclude certain usergroups from using this addon then you will have to edit the template modification called Google Authorship.


^^^Just enclose everything you see in Replace: box within your conditional.



contact details.webp



First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from DRE

Latest updates

  1. Changed Step 1 Title

    per smartpixel's tip
  2. Google Authorship Approval Screenshot

    This is the email sent by google to your Google Circles e-mail when they see that you've added...
  3. Bug Fix and Additional Admin and Mod's Only Version for TheBigK

    Bug Fix and Additional Admin and Mod's Only Version for TheBigK The original version didn't show...

Latest reviews

i loved it, its really great! works perfectly
Glad to hear it!
Loving this add-on. How has it not got more downloads?
Thanks! I think it doesn't have much downloads because Google Authorship requires a recognizable headshot. Some people are shy.
Will this addon slow down my forum ?
No, not at all.
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