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  • I got you @Brogan. Xenforo.com not XF.com why do some staff members write out shorthand that happens to be a real site :p
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    Reactions: Fethi.dz
    Dylan V
    Because often, it takes the main letters of a title with a capital letter. Example: YouTube may be YT. This is really not difficult to understand.
    I Really Like Your Website. Awesome Job maybe we can cross promote when my gaming site is up and running.
    Been having an Apache server load nightmare, just hotswapped the server to NGINX with only a few seconds of down time. So much better.
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    Reactions: Xon
    Setting up a CentOS 7 server, about to rip my own face off.
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    Reactions: Glockie
    Oh the joys....
    Many fingernails left?
    Haha, only thing left to figure out is getting board email working. Then a run down to make sure I can do it twice.
    Waiting for my friend in the hospital... Developers have a ton of reviews incoming!
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    Reactions: Chris D
    Chris D
    Chris D
    At first I thought you were dedicating your valuable time towards giving me fantastic reviews and I came to say thank you. Now I know you're just doing it because you've got nothing better to do! Thanks! :-D
    Hahaha yeah yeah thanks. I figured I would put up a status about it. I actually was going to code today and while I still could. It's not so easy on the laptop I use on the go.
    He is just putting his time to good use!
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