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  • Congratulations Mike on a job done brilliantly with the beta. Wanted to drop a line with all 3 of you, since you all deserve credit for it. :)

    I wish you good luck!
    Mike, congrats on releasing the BETA version. You might've been through terrible stress over the last two days, but I am glad you guys made it through.
    I still didn't get my copy but the reviews are great so far and mods are popping up from every possible corner.

    Excellent achievement !!!
    Adding my attaboy, Mike! Out of the 1st 4 PAGES of posts at VB I found a total of >2< users who thought IB was ok on this issue.
    ALL the rest were really po'd & are promising to buy extra XF licenses.
    Like I posted to Kier, it's common for big corpses that are threatened to tie up little guys in lawsuits so they use all of the $ for legal expenses. P*ss poor.
    Looking forward to seeing the shop open!
    I am very thankful you guys started this project! After being an active developer for vBulletin for 8 years its nice to see someone actually moving the forum community forward!
    Just wondering as a fellow weegie, where you from in Glasgow?
    Unusual to see Americans immigrate to scotland, hopefully you like it here =P
    Paul B
    Paul B
    Unusual to see anyone immigrate to Scotland ;)

    Only joking, I'm Welsh myself so us Celts have to stick together.
    Well, I lived in Reading until recently. My GF is Glaswegian though.
    Mike ... I apologize for the "coffee freak/coffee break " typo ... I meant no disrespect to you :) Kind Regards, Anthony
    I didn't even notice it until it was pointed out. No worries. Was funny actually. :)
    You are freak though ...
    a code freak that makes magic happen ! :) ... thanks :)
    Hi Mike...thank you for VB...and many thanks forXenForo.
    Can you add OpenID autorisation in XenForo? Will be impex from VB4?
    Hi Mike,

    Just thought i'd let you know that I run a 7 million post forum, and i'll be switching to XF shortly after its release. :)
    hello Mike, im from vietnamese, admin site http://vietvbb.vn :d we are nice your forum, i dont know when you sell source it ?
    we are want testing and translate in to vietnamese, and we are want open new site support xenforo in vietnam :D
    thank bro :D
    well done Mike, just discovered this wonderful forum script and i guess it will be one of the best.
    FABULOUS Darling, just fabulous! looking forward to getting a good look under the bonnet!
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