Recent content by inph

  1. inph

    Fixed  All your <base> are belong to us - Broken links on Google/Bing Cached Views

    <script type="text/javascript"> var _b = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0], _bH = ""; if (_b && _b.href != _bH) _b.href = _bH; </script> Seems to work fine on the cached pages I checked. Also assuming the broken images are due to referrer checking and rewrite...
  2. inph

    The importance of a smiley manager

    What sort of rough ETA are you talking about? It would be good to know if it's worth spending our time on this or if we'll just be replicating efforts.
  3. inph

    The importance of a smiley manager

    Does your current idea vary or change from what we have already discussed months ago? I don't think I covered my thoughts on import/export with you, so remind me at some point.
  4. inph

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    An apache compatible webserver, that's a rewrite rule to rewrite everything from /forum/<blah> to /<blah>
  5. inph

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    This looks normal? * Normal XF Layout 1: /community/ [xf index] 2: /community/forums/[]/ 3: /community/threads/[]/ * XF Root Layout 1: / [xf index] 2: /forums/[]/ 3: /threads/[]/ * XF Root Layout + XenPorta p: / [xenporta] 1: /forum/ [xf index] 2...
  6. inph

    APC acting really funky

    Your APC looks fine on both 64M and 256M Since your cache isnt actually filling up completely, the fragmentation is from things expiring due to your TTL.
  7. inph

    Fixed  All your <base> are belong to us - Broken links on Google/Bing Cached Views

    Whilst I agree that Google/Bing should adhere and adopt the <base href /> tag, they dont. Absolute URL: Relative URL...
  8. inph

    APC acting really funky

    The pie chart is pretty and all that but the useful information is in the panes to the left which you've cropped out. Also APC-3.1.8 is out as of a few hours ago (has one show stopping bug that's fixed in apc_main.c in svn).
  9. inph

    Fixed  All your <base> are belong to us - Broken links on Google/Bing Cached Views

    Pages generated by Google or Bing's (and possibly other search engines) "Cached" views contain broken links due to an overriding <base> tag at the top of the page and relative page links generated by Xenforo. Browsers: Chrome 11, Firefox 4, IE7 and later will all ignore subsequent <base> tags...
  10. inph

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    mbstring is a]non-default extension[/url]. If it's already been compiled with your php as a shared extension (most likely) then you can just enable it. Start by looking in php.ini under extensions to see if it's commented out and uncomment...
  11. inph


    All of the doodle smilies are still at: styles/default/xenforo/smilies.doodle on a default XF install although you should note that from that directory: smile.png -> smilie.png in the editor directory.
  12. inph


    Erik in the default image for the mce drop down smilies button is the original beta/RC doodle smile.png styles/flexile/xenforo/editor/smilie.png I suggest updating smilie.png to the new default smilie Shelley made for XF 1.0.0 :) easy fix if you already have Flexile...
  13. inph

    Redirection Scripts for vBulletin 3.x

    Edit: Attachement support is now in v4 of the import script attached to the first post. Attachment Mapping Support Users on my imported VB forum have sometimes linked directly to attachments in posts, sometimes from other posts which don't contains the attachment. Typically this looks like VB...
  14. inph

    Smilies Under type box.

    Not much changed from the original demo, just cleaned up a lot and ported it to templates: Addon is here for those who are interested:
  15. inph

    The Happy Place - Clickable Smilies Under Editor Control

    The Happy Place -- Clickable Smilies Under Editor Control * 1.0 - 20/11/2010 * Tested on: XenForo 1.0.0 Beta 3 Firefox 3/4 Chrome IE8 * Description: This addon adds an expandable clickable smilie box beneath the tinyMCE editor control. If you want to know more I'd suggest you read the addon...
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