Recent content by Gucabe

  1. Gucabe

    Noob here, please check out my forum.

    Thank you very much, our forum members love it because of it military look. I used it in 4 different styles on which the Tusken style was the one i had to change a lot of colors and stuff. I just added the Runaway style from today and made 4 more styles... Love his styles a lot...
  2. Gucabe

    XF 1.2 Forcing a style on a certain date

    Halloween is coming up and I would like to force all my members to a Halloween style i got from PixelExit only on the 31st of October. is there a way to do this? thanks.
  3. Gucabe

    Noob here, please check out my forum.

    Wow its been almost a year since I started using Xenforo. I have upgraded to 1.2 since it got out and boy my members are happy campers... The forum has matured and its speedier than ever. Thanks you everyone for making this the best forum software out there.
  4. Gucabe

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    ok so i removed the recent threads block in the portal layout and added it again and its fixed now... Thanks
  5. Gucabe

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    i have Xenporta installed.. i do use it, however i don't remember tweaking it... just standard install.
  6. Gucabe

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    it is identical to the xenporta recent threads...
  7. Gucabe

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    I have no idea why or how but i'm seeing a recent threads on the main index page and i dont know how to remove it. Any ideas?
  8. Gucabe

    [TH] Library [Deleted]

    I use this for tutorials, user guides, etc... makes it look different from a regular post and identifiable as a more serious reference. I'm in XF1.2 so i had to disable it too.
  9. Gucabe

    HashTagging [Paid]

    Thanks, but i figured out a way to do it manually, I found the address for the cloud and then i made it a Tab with the nodes to tabs addon.
  10. Gucabe

    HashTagging [Paid]

    For some strange reason the hashtags tab is not showing up on the nav bar... I have it selected on the admin options... but no cigar... Any thoughts? im running XF1.2
  11. Gucabe

    Aurora - [Deleted]

    i need this theme too in 1.2 .. i love it... Thanks.
  12. Gucabe

    [8WR] XenAtendo (Events)

    same here...
  13. Gucabe

    Not a bug upgraded to 1.2 (bug reports)

    ok disabling Thanks.
  14. Gucabe

    Not a bug upgraded to 1.2 (bug reports)

    In the admin panel first screen i get this... Server Error Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'template_map.template_final' in 'field list' Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115 Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381...
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