XenForo 1.3 General Discussion & Feedback

In that HTML in the console, somewhere, will be the actual error message.

I'm guessing it might be "A security error has occurred". I've been seeing this a lot when the post_max_size PHP limit has been hit.
In that HTML in the console, somewhere, will be the actual error message.

I'm guessing it might be "A security error has occurred". I've been seeing this a lot when the post_max_size PHP limit has been hit.
Good guess on the security error message. This is in the HTML dumped...
<label for="ctrl_0" class="OverlayCloser">Security error occurred. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again.</label>

I've increased the post_max_size from 8M to 16M and so far the same error (yes, I also restarted httpd :p). Going to try 32M now, will report back results.

EDIT: No server errors logged in the ACP during any of this.
These are some posts when someone else faced the same thing when uploading a file.

There are various PHP configuration values you may need to change: https://kb.mediatemple.net/questions/1117/How do I increase the PHP upload limits?#gs

Do you have suhosin installed (hardened PHP)? Suhosin can truncate requests when limits are exceeded which can cause a security error like this if the token is truncated. Otherwise you would normally get an error saying what limit has been exceeded.
These are some posts when someone else faced the same thing when uploading a file.
For uploading a file I had previously upped my upload_max_filesize to 60M and that took care of it that time. Since then I've been able to easily upload 15~MB files as attachments & into a few addons. It's driving me nuts that I can upload a file that big with no issue but can't get some smilies inserted in the db.

Time for the 'sit-there-and-watch-the-paint-dry' experiment, aka turning off the file count one-by-one.
Anything like Jake mentions? Suhosin? Or similar?
Not enabled.

What's weird, or at least weird to me, is that it actually takes quite some time for the page to finish loading after the XML file is selected and the "Import Smilies" button is clicked. Thinking out loud I'm wondering if it is preemptively checking for duplicate definitions there and I'm actually hitting some type of error condition before the page even finishes loading & before trying to save them.
Well, 89 smilies checked seems to be the limit for me regardless of what my post_max_size or other settings are. Didn't matter if any of them were duplicates or not, once I hit the limit I'd get the javascript console error.
Check post_max_size in php.ini. I had the same problem and had to increase it to work. Default is set to 2M.

Should have read whole thread. See you already changed it.
It will likely be the max_input_vars configuration which needs to be increased.
That seems to be the trick, thanks! :cool: My php.ini had no entry for it and looking at phpinfo the default is apparently 1000. Adding an explicit entry to php.ini of 3000 now allows give the expected error of duplicated replacement text instead of the generic console error.

Thanks, everybody, for the input! (y)
I really like the new +Quote/-Quote here on this site! (y)

(Not sure though, if one really needs the message at the top... "Message added to/removed from Multi-Quote")
I appreciate the thought behind this, but I, for one, find its use confusing.

I much prefer the add-on QuoteMe for Xenforo. Now that I find intuitive, and my users love it, as well.

Why doesn't Xenforo incorporate something so elegant? The idea is simple: you want to quote something...you highlight it and click the QuoteMe popup.

It's brilliant.
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