What would you pay for xenforo when its released ?

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Well-known member
Just curious on what the members here would pay for xenforo ... I put the price in yearly terms for simplification ... this could serve as a guide for the owners and lets me test the poll feature :D
I will pay it, if I, and my team, agree that the software is worth its price, and we are happy with the progress we have seen. That said, $95 for a 12 month period, of updates, and a $295 price tag isn't 100% apetising at the moment.

EDIT: These are arbitrary figures.
The poll obviously is simply unhelpful.
Half of the people thought that the price is per year, the other half thought that it is a one time price with small update fees (like vb was).

The whole poll makes no sense this way.
I agree that the ambiguity here is a large factor in the results.

The poll obviously is simply unhelpful.
Half of the people thought that the price is per year, the other half thought that it is a one time price with small update fees (like vb was).

The whole poll makes no sense this way.
If I have 50 in my wallet and it's 250 .. I can't buy it.

So moral of the story here is: No matter what they ask, it will be either affordable for you, or not. And if so, can you actually afford it, or do you need to save up some cash first?

So, time will tell.
Just curious on what the members here would pay for xenforo ... I put the price in yearly terms for simplification ... this could serve as a guide for the owners and lets me test the poll feature :D

I don't think it's a good idea to discuss about what we are willing to pay as long the product hasn't been finished.

That somehow looks like doing it the vb-style ;)
Because that is a different thread, and has already been shot down.
This will be a visible source, commercial licensed solution.
When it's done. Not a day earlier.

To get me right: I really believe this will be working smoothly and offer impressive functions. But I paid once in advance for a non-RTM-prouct and I won't do that ever again.
Ordinarily I'd agree with you, but with Kier and Mike at the helm there is an element of trust that does not normally exist. It's in fact the SAME trust that Internet Brands exploited and abused to make their pre-sale work, but they won't get away with that again.
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Ordinarily I'd agree with you, but with Kier and Mike at the helm there is an element of trust that does not normally exist. It's in fact the SAME trust that Internet Brands exploited and abused to make their pre-sale work, but they won't get away with that again.
Let's not talk about IB at this point. They destroyed in weeks a lot that was build up in years.
I have not picked any of the prices listed. The way XenForo stands now (feature comparison) to IPB 3 and vBulletin 3. It's been listed too expensive in my book. Of course features will get added later to catch-up with both IPB 3 and vB3/4. But as it stands now I would not pay more than $40.

Nice flashy front-end visual features don't make up for what's really under the hood. Not being funny, just being honest.
I have not picked any of the prices listed. The way XenForo stands now (feature comparison) to IPB 3 and vBulletin 3 (never mind vB4). It's been listed too expensive in my book. Of course, features will get added later to catch-up with both IPB 3 and vB3/4. But as it stands now I would not pay more than $40.

Nice flashy front-end visual features, don't make up for what's really under the hood when it's popped.

This should go without saying but... With the care they've put into these 'nice flashy front-end visual features' (And I don't mean just how its visually appealing) shows that the back-end is going to be done with equal care.

Name one other system that has taken a semantic approach when designing their platform from the ground up, and its built around being as accessible and usable as possible, while retaining decent functionality (This is only an alpha, and its already a given this will be better as a standalone forum then the competition).

Catch-up to IPB3/vB3/4? vB3/4 both are chock full of features that are poorly done, and were never finished. Half of the things that people say they need for their forum when debating whether they're going to convert don't even have decent integration of functionality. Social groups, calendar, gallery, vBCMS, and blogs just to mention the majority.

IPB has always been full of bloat in my opinion; it feels clunky and slow no matter what I do to it, a lot of which is their use of JS. Not to mention a lot of the functionality you'd wish from vB3/4 requires you to pay extra, which is fine, if their premium extensions were really worth mentioning.

I can understand that while it is in alpha, and it does lack some features compared to other solutions, you might be hesitant to opt-in to the hype. But that by no means you can disrespect the work they have done so far by saying its 'only worth $40', because already they've provided a better solution to many complaints both of its competitors have been getting for years.
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