What would you pay for xenforo when its released ?

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Well-known member
Just curious on what the members here would pay for xenforo ... I put the price in yearly terms for simplification ... this could serve as a guide for the owners and lets me test the poll feature :D
General or technical, limiting any form of support for something that was paid for is pretty bad.

I agree, although it's not too bad as the renewal price pays for continued support and upgrades to the product. You can't expect to pay something once and get support for the rest of your life. That seems a bit unreasonable, IMO. But I agree that limiting support to 30 days is unreasonable.

Ultimately, at the end of the day, you should read the terms of the license agreement and if you don't like it, don't buy it. :)
General or technical, limiting any form of support for something that was paid for is pretty bad.
...Unless it's a year or so... In that case, it's understandable. Or, actually, support should be available for the time you have your license. But I guess they were thinking this way- why not ask on vB.org/com? That's what they're for afterall... support...
I agree, although it's not too bad as the renewal price pays for continued support and upgrades to the product. You can't expect to pay something once and get support for the rest of your life. That seems a bit unreasonable, IMO. But I agree that limiting support to 30 days is unreasonable.

Ultimately, at the end of the day, you should read the terms of the license agreement and if you don't like it, don't buy it. :)

At minimum, you should retain support for as long as you own a license. Anything less is nonsense.

Also, didn't they change their agreements AFTER they released vB4 'gold'? I think I remember seeing something about that.
...Unless it's a year or so... In that case, it's understandable. Or, actually, support should be available for the time you have your license. But I guess they were thinking this way- why not ask on vB.org/com? That's what they're for afterall... support...

I think general forum support being free but maybe putting a limiter on it like 1 to 2 business days or something, then do something like phone/premium support for active licenses, once the company is more established. As these two fella's can have a life outside of this ;)
I think general forum support being free but maybe putting a limiter on it like 1 to 2 business days or something, then do something like phone/premium support for active licenses, once the company is more established. As these two fella's can have a life outside of this ;)

I have a feeling they'll be hiring more support staff, so hopefully they'll be able to offer the support that the community needs. :)
I think general forum support being free but maybe putting a limiter on it like 1 to 2 business days or something, then do something like phone/premium support for active licenses, once the company is more established. As these two fella's can have a life outside of this ;)
I'm sure they'll have a ticket system, which is like a support desk, just it takes awhile for them to get back with you [depending on the priority]... But with them listening and reading our bug reports, having tickets filed for things such as bugs, etc, that should rarely happen.
Why isn't there a below $95 dollar option? For just the forum I'd pay about $49 for it currently, since I wont buy products based off future release promises to justify high price tags. I'll gladly pay the premium price for software, when it's premium software that's more than just a forum. If it had some more feature to it, then I'd be more than willing to pay more, but the current feature set doesn't really warrant a higher price tag because it uses some fancy javascript (which is nice), or valid CSS/HTML coding.

I'll pay more when:

1. It's a solid finished product
2. It can offer more than just a forum
3. A modification community is established/growing.
4. The support team is more than just two or three members.
Basing the price off the alpha showcase really isn't doing this Justice, let's see what the end of summer release beings :) The concepts shown here, their way of thinking and coding, implementing features that are efficient and practical is what we are paying for. Sure other forums has CMS and blogs but are they done right?

David my friend, lets see what the future brings :)
Why isn't there a below $95 dollar option? For just the forum I'd pay about $49 for it currently, since I wont buy products based off future release promises to justify high price tags. I'll gladly pay the premium price for software, when it's premium software that's more than just a forum. If it had some more feature to it, then I'd be more than willing to pay more, but the current feature set doesn't really warrant a higher price tag because it uses some fancy javascript (which is nice), or valid CSS/HTML coding.

I'll pay more when:

1. It's a solid finished product
2. It can offer more than just a forum
3. A modification community is established/growing.
4. The support team is more than just two or three members.

$49 is far too cheap. The stability and innovation that you can see here alone is worth at least $100. It already offers community and social networking features. I would argue that's "more than just a forum". You can bet that there will be a huge modification community. People are already talking about making modifications and even writing thing's to access it's REST resources and the software hasn't been released yet.

And quite frankly, I don't really respect your opinion when you steal videos without asking.
What I'd love to see is a developer license. Say maybe $95 or something, kinda like apple, only gives us access to api's/dev forum install, so we can start helping to extend xenforo, while it is being developed.
For those of us that will prob buy multiple licenses, I've got over 14 vb licenses, between myself and clients. I think $125 for a owned license and $60 renewal would keep things affordable, then just add maybe some type of volume license discount if people buy more than 3 full owned licenses, or renew more than 3 at a time, each year. This would make it realistically affordable but still be a good payout for developers, and build a residual income for them. Most people generally don't want to build a site for just a year. Just my 2 cents..

signed! :) i'm gonna buy 20+ licenses so i'm wondering about this ... i think which i can't pay the full price if i'll buy many 'copies' ... that are the 'market rules' ... ;)
What I'd love to see is a developer license. Say maybe $95 or something, kinda like apple, only gives us access to api's/dev forum install, so we can start helping to extend xenforo, while it is being developed.

sure, but the question is: how you can prove which you are a 'real dev'?
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