What would you pay for xenforo when its released ?

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Well-known member
Just curious on what the members here would pay for xenforo ... I put the price in yearly terms for simplification ... this could serve as a guide for the owners and lets me test the poll feature :D
He may have done right by himself - I'm not going to dispute that. But he could have made a better choice in as far as vBulletin's future was concerned. I mean, vBulletin isn't the first thing they (IB) bought and ran into the ground.

And that was an acquisition, not a merger. :p

details, details... thanks for the "technically" clarification. :p hahaa.

you a good man Been Told.:cool:
Usually when someone calls me good I quote Saint Paul from the New Testament, saying there is no man that is good, no not one. But I figure I've already been enough of a smartass today. LOL
And hopefully Kier, Mike and Ashley will never make the same mistake as James (?), selling their business off to a corporation. I am pretty sure in fact, that that won't happen. :D

You never know, if I was M/K and I got an offer for 150 million .. it would be very difficult to say no to that.
I agree. You can say, "oh, I wouldn't do that", but when there's a large amount of money on the line, it's very hard to resist.

I wasn't a HQ guy, but to me it appeared that James/John weren't very active with vB in the 3.x era. So cashing in and letting it be the responsibility of someone else after working on it for 5+ years .. why not. Sounds like a success story. If I could work on a product for 5 years, and cash in that sets me for life, and still have enough play for new projects, I think I would feel proud of the achievement.

Of course, if you really care about what you do, you can believe in it so much that you think you can get the same or tenfold of it, in the future, and you decline it, keeping your baby you care so much about. I think the reality of monthly bills and real life offline might make a few people think twice at least.

I am not comparing James/John with Mike/Kier, they are different people with different intentions, and ideas, about a business, about how to deal with customers, and what not.

But, we will see in 5 or 10 or 15 years from now. I guess.
For those of us that will prob buy multiple licenses, I've got over 14 vb licenses, between myself and clients. I think $125 for a owned license and $60 renewal would keep things affordable, then just add maybe some type of volume license discount if people buy more than 3 full owned licenses, or renew more than 3 at a time, each year. This would make it realistically affordable but still be a good payout for developers, and build a residual income for them. Most people generally don't want to build a site for just a year. Just my 2 cents..

xenForo is young and needs a future and giving away free licenses won't guarantee that. Apple is an established company that can make those kind of decissions.

This is why I said maybe have developer license that costs $95 or something which also helps builds development capital.
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