What would you pay for xenforo when its released ?

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Just curious on what the members here would pay for xenforo ... I put the price in yearly terms for simplification ... this could serve as a guide for the owners and lets me test the poll feature :D
sure, but the question is: how you can prove which you are a 'real dev'?
Show some of their works... But why should someone have to go through the process? If they say they're a developer than we should believe them... If they start rummaging through things and getting naughty, then that's when you begin worrying. Otherwise, leave them be.
What I'd love to see is a developer license. Say maybe $95 or something, kinda like apple, only gives us access to api's/dev forum install, so we can start helping to extend xenforo, while it is being developed.

When it comes time to showcase your work you will have to buy a new license for the public forum, i say have it the way the old vB had it with one public install and one private install for development etc.
You limit the sites where xF can be used to local addresses and the coder online website where it show how its mods work and gives support for it.
I should had to buy a license to my plugins just to give people a try of what i did on vbulletin, that was crazy.
Why isn't there a below $95 dollar option? For just the forum I'd pay about $49 for it currently, since I wont buy products based off future release promises to justify high price tags. I'll gladly pay the premium price for software, when it's premium software that's more than just a forum. If it had some more feature to it, then I'd be more than willing to pay more, but the current feature set doesn't really warrant a higher price tag because it uses some fancy javascript (which is nice), or valid CSS/HTML coding.

I'll pay more when:

1. It's a solid finished product

2. It can offer more than just a forum

3. A modification community is established/growing.

4. The support team is more than just two or three members.

I believe it warrants a higher price because it does use 'fancy' JS (Which degrades gracefully, which is something no other solution really does properly), and because it offers valid and semantic HTML5/CSS. I support web standards, and I'm willing to pay a premium for a platform that is supporting them, and taking the disabled into account during their product development (Something IPB and vBulletin aren't even close to doing).

1) It'll be a solid product, theres proof enough with the development and fixes that have been done on the live board.
2) All you really need is a forum; I know my team and I can do fine with just the forum, and extend the platform further ourselves, without having to deal with unnecessary bloat of half-baked features :rolleyes:.
3) A vast majority of well-known developers from vBulletin, who are known for their products have already shown support for the new platform. Many modifications are already being planned for the first release, and are likely to be released within the first week or so, many of which will fill the gaps that make it just a 'forum'.
4) Support team is 5 people, and its likely not to stay that way.

If the final version is not as *feature rich* as IP.Board, then you shouldn't charge a price equal to those. $100< given it's current form.

There is feature richness, then theres a lot of bloat. IPB falls in the later category.
sure, but the question is: how you can prove which you are a 'real dev'?

How many people are buying developer licenses from apple, and don't have a programming background, developers are at all stages and while the software is still in young development, they could always add an upgrade to full owned license after the software goes gold, or other. The main suggestion for something like this would be to help Kier and mike build revenue for development of this amazing system, while getting those that wanting to help build out the platform able test, bug fix, add ideas, and create additional addons.
IB paid $150 million for vBulletin?

But either way - I didn't speak badly of James for selling. I said: he did well for himself. But he sold it to people who have ruined it.
I didn't say he shouldn't have done it, nor that I wouldn't have done it.
I think that free licenses should be given to plugin devs. I don't know how, but this would be a great point.
This I disagree with... it'd be so easy for me to release a plugin that shuffles someone's username using PHP's str_shuffle() and all of a sudden I'm a developer with a free licence.
sure, but the question is: how you can prove which you are a 'real dev'?
Criteria could be like: Release X modifications that's had a minimum of Y downloads.
Without being able to see what the admin section is like, this sort of starts to feel a lot like what VB did with the prior release of VB4, everyone was expected to fork out the $$$$'s before being able to see what they were getting, and then found out it wasn't anywhere near finished when first released. I waited until 4.0.4 before even contemplating moving my site up to it, as I felt there were too many things still faulty with it, still is with 4.0.5 but you can't easily move back to version 3. I don't even use the CMS even though I purchased the Suite, again because frankly it just sucks big time. Want people to consider buying your product, then you need to let them look at it through development. As you are using it for your site, it must be fairly stable as a Alpha release for people to be given the opportunity to download it and test it, from the back-end as well. What looks good from the front end, might be absolute crap from the admin side of things. I know VB is pretty much a bit of a nightmare for those of us that aren't programmers, and finding how to change something or fix something can often to me be hit and miss.

I was directed here from a post made over at jFusion.com which integrates Joomla into a lot of software, might be a good time to have a talk with those developers about this team making a plugin to work with jfusion and xenforo I know that would be something that people will be looking for if this forum software takes off.

Pricing, don't start too heavy, otherwise people will not look at it. $100 for lifetime (well that is subjective look at what they did at VB, no such thing any-more), and then a sensible yearly cost after that would be where I would be looking. Not everyone can afford the pricing, and with VB doing what they did, I certainly will be looking for new forum software that is more sensibly priced when the time comes.

Ya know, personally I value a great piece of code, but comon, its not worth no 200+. In fact, in its current form maybe it is worth about 75-95. At most. Maybe a little more since we know the devs and know they have a quality product... but with a pre-sale we aren't talking about over $100... At least I hope...
As for renewal - I like IP.B - $25 to bring it up to date...
150-250$ for lifetime licence + up to $60 per year (hopefully with a discount if you renew early)

For addons, I would pay a lump sum to have access to it, and expires with the licence
I agree that the Forum as it is now should be made cheaper, for additional add-ons which might come in the future those should be a bit more expensive. So everyone has the chance to look at the Forum-only (and the admin-backend to see how it works) for a competitive price , but if wanting additional add-ons, you have to pay up more.
For a forum only software, anywhere between $100 and $150 - this feels like it is towards to the top end of that scale?

I would then pay extra for the add ons that become available.
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