What would you pay for xenforo when its released ?

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Well-known member
Just curious on what the members here would pay for xenforo ... I put the price in yearly terms for simplification ... this could serve as a guide for the owners and lets me test the poll feature :D
I did say for now. And that I know XenForo will get better and hence worth more. I wasn't being funny or anything, just giving my own honest feedback as it stands now.
You can get a decent look "under the hood" when browsing through the feature-forum.

But thats not even a taste of what is there, or what the system is capable of.

Until they've released information on the style and plugin system, and a look at the admin panel and moderation system, no one can really say the system is -lacking-.

Everything is there, they've just been fine tuning it to show how things work.
I keep waiting for someone to post the Austin Powers video clip stating "One mmmiiiillllioon dollars!"

I'd pay anywhere between $125 and $200 Canadian for this amazing-looking piece of software -- I hate vB (even 3.x, adminside is terrible) and don't like IP.B too much.
Will xenforo issue language package for Korea/Japanese/Chinese etc.?It would be huge potential market.
The license fee of VBB/IPB is expensive for me,so I hope xenforo could be cheaper than VBB.
If it has:
Splash page with ability to summarize "Recent Posts", "News", "Polls", "Upcoming Events", etc...
I'll pay whatever they charge....

I also need the ability to wrap external PHP pages as well however...
Honestly, I have no idea. There is still a lot that remains to be seen, but I'm pretty confident things will only get better as we get closer to the day it officially goes on sale. So, we'll see then, but I suspect I'll be willing to pay whatever is asked.
I would pay whatever he decides to charge. Even without a Gallery, CMS, etc. Kier has put a lot of time and effort into this and I'm anxious to start building addons for this and leave vB behind completely so in turn this masterpiece is worth the price.
how do you know what is under the hood ?
not sure I understand the value / sense of your post ?

Basically, mrgtb is saying that the software and team will need to prove itself. After all, it's only fair.

I personally think, from what I've seen, it is worth more than $50 but less than $150. We'll see how it goes.
I would pay whatever he decides to charge. Even without a Gallery, CMS, etc. Kier has put a lot of time and effort into this and I'm anxious to start building addons for this and leave vB behind completely so in turn this masterpiece is worth the price.

Fair statement considering IB failed to innovate and caused everybody to lose business, precious time and market share.
I would pay USD 1000 for a copy.
Please. :rolleyes:

To those talking about a "pre-sale," Kier and Mike have said multiple times that they don't want to sell the product before it's ready/before you have a chance to actually download and use it (good decision IMO), so discussing whether you would buy into a "pre-sale" is kind of pointless. They did say they would have an "early adopters" sale, but only after "the software has been available for some time." :)
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