s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Could it be a limitation of the format?
That's the most likely explanation. As an integrator, all I control are the attributes on their iframe. In other words, I do so little that I can hardly do it wrong.

If it doesn't work, try browsing to the iframe URL directly (e.g. http://gfycat.com/iframe/SereneIllfatedCapybara) and if it still doesn't work it means it's a problem with the browser. You should still report the bug to gfycat though, because when video isn't available the gif should be displayed. If it's not, it might be an actual bug in the browser.
That's the most likely explanation. As an integrator, all I control are the attributes on their iframe. In other words, I do so little that I can hardly do it wrong.

If it doesn't work, try browsing to the iframe URL directly (e.g. http://gfycat.com/iframe/SereneIllfatedCapybara) and if it still doesn't work it means it's a problem with the browser. You should still report the bug to gfycat though, because when video isn't available the gif should be displayed. If it's not, it might be an actual bug in the browser.

The iframe link doesn't work, however the HTML 5 video does work when you visit the normal link ( eg http://gfycat.com/SereneIllfatedCapybara ) :confused:

Thanks, I'll try contacting gfycat.
I am trying to add some livestreaming channels from China. there is no object and embedded code on the page. I found a possible code below. could anyone else teach me how to write the right code?

Thank you

Example: http://www.fengyunzhibo.com/tv/NEOtvDOTA2.htm

<div id='feng-yun-player-wrap'><a href='http://www.fengyunzhibo.com/tv/39079_1354004699650.htm' id='channel-info'>风云直播 游戏风云一套 弹幕,无插件,NBA,英超</a></div><script type='text/javascript'>window.fengyunconf={width:600,height:490,tv: '39079_1354004699650'};</script><script type='text/javascript' src='http://static.ws.kukuplay.com/support/fengyunplayerloader.js'></script>
If they don't give an "embed code" then they probably don't want their streams to be embedded. You should send them an email explaining your situation. If they want people to be able to embed their streams, they should provide an easy way to do so. I recommend using iframes, but Flash objects are ok too.
Is there some reason an embed would show on the desktop but not on mobile? A new member of mine loves linking from LiveLeak, but I can not see them on mobile. Ever.
If they don't give an "embed code" then they probably don't want their streams to be embedded. You should send them an email explaining your situation. If they want people to be able to embed their streams, they should provide an easy way to do so. I recommend using iframes, but Flash objects are ok too.

Hello Joshy:
I found their code via google and made a setting below. It's one of biggest livestream site in China. The code works on my site.


HTML Replacement
<div id='feng-yun-player-wrap'><a href='http://www.fengyunzhibo.com/tv/{$id}.htm' id='channel-info'>风云直播</a></div><script type='text/javascript'>window.fengyunconf={width:600,height:490,tv: '{$id}'};</script><script type='text/javascript' src='http://static.ws.kukuplay.com/support/fengyunplayerloader.js'></script>
@Hrabal: it's cool that it works for you but I don't think this code was meant to be used by others to embed Fengyunzhibo's streams. For instance, I don't think it would be possible to embed more than one stream on a page.

@Rambro: what I got from that thread is that it doesn't work on iOS 4.0.2. When a site works on a device but not on another, most of the time it comes down to a browser bug or a missing functionality. Does it work when you go to LiveLeak and watch videos there?
@Rambro: what I got from that thread is that it doesn't work on iOS 4.0.2. When a site works on a device but not on another, most of the time it comes down to a browser bug or a missing functionality. Does it work when you go to LiveLeak and watch videos there?[/quote]
Well Andy said he got it to work and was using iOS 6, so I have to imagine it would cross over to 7. I went to LiveLeak.com and played 3 videos from my iPhone. No issues. Although, they don't look like they have a responsive/mobile version of the site, if that matters.
@Hrabal: not easily, no.

@Rambro: have you tried embedding any of those 3 videos into your forum and see if they work there? If the same video works on the site but doesn't work embedded then it becomes much more likely that it can be fixed by changing the embed code. Can you please check each one of those 5 URLs with the same phone and report which ones work or not? They're all the same video using different players.

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@Hrabal: not easily, no.

@Rambro: have you tried embedding any of those 3 videos into your forum and see if they work there? If the same video works on the site but doesn't work embedded then it becomes much more likely that it can be fixed by changing the embed code. Can you please check each one of those 5 URLs with the same phone and report which ones work or not? They're all the same video using different players.

One and two embedded but won't show on the iPhone. 3-5 wouldn't let me embed.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I meant for you to copy these URLs and use your browser to go to those URLs individually. Don't try to embed them in your forum or anything, enter them in the browser to see if the corresponding page works for you or not. The thing we're testing is your browser.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I meant for you to copy these URLs and use your browser to go to those URLs individually. Don't try to embed them in your forum or anything, enter them in the browser to see if the corresponding page works for you or not. The thing we're testing is your browser.
Gotcha. 1 & 2 pull up the liveleak site, and I can view it and the video on the page fine. 3 pulls up a player.swf file that allows me to download it with Dropbox or open it with an outside player. 4 & 5 open directly into the flash player black screen and I can view the video fine.

All done on my iPhone 5S using iOS 7.0.4 and Safari.
@Rambro: apparently your browser doesn't like having an iframe that points to the Flash player directly. It might be related to Dropbox, or perhaps it's just Safari. I've changed the embed code to point to the page that contains the player. It should be functionally equivalent and hopefully it won't break it for somebody else.

Please try the new version and confirm whether it works better for you. Thanks.
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