s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Thanks for the help on this. It looks like my dev environmeent wasn't set up identically to my live site environment as I had asked...

I created a php file with the code above and ran it in my test environment. I got a blank page as the result.

Comaring the output of phpinfo() on both environments shows several differences.

I'll be asking my web host to replicate the live environment on my dev site.
Hmm, I just run that file on the live site and got a blank page too. Maybe not created it correctly.

Should I have created a php file with this in it?

If there's no error, the page should be blank. The goal was to see whether file_get_contents() generates an error. Btw, if you don't mind I'd appreciate if you could send me a copy of the phpinfo() output for both servers, via pastebin.com or whatever. That would clue me in as to why it fails silently.
Support for ESPN in Spanish would be great. I'm trying to figure it out for a friend, but haven't been able to do it. The code is almost identical to ESPN's, but with a couple differences:


<script src="http://player.espn.com/player.js?playerBrandingId=4a98d78e247c4185a924107ebaa6a319&adSetCode=c36b9d45d5a34800944308541b5f32e0&pcode=1kNG061cgaoolOncv54OAO1ceO-I&width=576&height=324&externalId=deportes:2001302&thruParam_espn-ui[autoPlay]=false&thruParam_espn-ui[playRelatedExternally]=true"></script>

Thanks. :)
@arr0w I've updated the pack and the ESPN media BBCode should support ESPN: Deportes as well. I'm using their Twitter embed rather than the embed code they give in the player. Apparently they've changed their URLs and it complicates things for me and I'm too busy right now to make it work.

Please test the new pack and report any bugs. Thanks.
@arr0w I've updated the pack and the ESPN media BBCode should support ESPN: Deportes as well. I'm using their Twitter embed rather than the embed code they give in the player. Apparently they've changed their URLs and it complicates things for me and I'm too busy right now to make it work.

Please test the new pack and report any bugs. Thanks.

Works like a charm. Thanks! :)
i already have this installed (thanks, it's amazing!) but i was wondering, will it, or is there a way to get this to parse the media bbcode in a widget like from the bd widget framework? i'm trying to think of a way to get a youtube playlist to display in my sidebar (preferrably just the latest video).
I don't know. If the bd widget framework accepts BBCodes and uses the same posting functions as the rest of XF then I guess it should. If it doesn't use the normal posting form with a media button then it probably doesn't support it. Try posting a media BBCode and see if it works?
Hi @JoshyPHP could you make use of this tutorial to make the videos responsive? http://xenforo.com/community/resources/responsive-width-height-media-embeds.2825/
I'm not sure about that. I don't think it's worth modifying every embed code and wrap them in a custom div. If people want a bigger video, iframes and objects are already configured to allow full screen, and if a style needs smaller embeds they can do it just with CSS, e.g.
iframe { max-width: 250px }

I don't think the functionality is worth the cost on my end, sorry.
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@JoshyPHP what does the new iframe-based embed code do, does this make the videos responsive? If so then that's an issue on fluid-width style sites like mine as the videos will be huge in posts.
Sorry @JoshyPHP I misinterpreted the update, just realised it was an update to Traileraddict.

Personally I wouldn't want responsive videos as has been suggested to you, so I'm glad you don't think it's worth your effort. :)
Got this error when I tried to update.

Callback is invalid (Invalid Class).

Using XenForo 1.3.0 beta 1
I've just reinstalled it fine on 1.2.4. I don't really know anything about 1.3.0 so I'd have to look into it. If you have any informations about any changes relevant to addon installation, that would help.

Sorry @JoshyPHP I misinterpreted the update, just realised it was an update to Traileraddict.
Yup, they're unrelated. :)
I've just reinstalled it fine on 1.2.4. I don't really know anything about 1.3.0 so I'd have to look into it. If you have any informations about any changes relevant to addon installation, that would help.

Yup, they're unrelated. :)
Sorry, there's a bug with current beta 1 preventing the installation.
I'll just wait for Beta 2 :)
I've upgraded to 1.3.0 Beta 1 locally, it looks like the autoloader doesn't autoload my class anymore. If it's a known bug, do you have a link to it? I'd like to track its resolution if that's possible.
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