s9e Media BBCodes pack

s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Most likely. Modern browsers disallow mixed content and most content providers only support HTTP. YouTube supports both, but most of the rest use HTTP exclusively.

I'm going to check the sites in my pack and see if some of them support HTTPS even if they don't advertise it.
Most likely. Modern browsers disallow mixed content and most content providers only support HTTP. YouTube supports both, but most of the rest use HTTP exclusively.

I'm going to check the sites in my pack and see if some of them support HTTPS even if they don't advertise it.
Yes please, Thanks !
@RoldanLT: I've switched some sites to protocol-relative URLs, which means they'll use HTTPS if the forum is HTTPS. The list is in the post above, but some of them may still not work though.
In addition of those listed in the update, there are a few sites that use HTTPS by default: Facebook, Hulu, Vine. Plus a few sites already used protocol-relative URLs: Instagram and YouTube.

Yes, the configurator gets automatically updated to the latest version.
@JoshyPHP, there are problems with both GameTrailers and Ustream media sites.

These are for the URLs I gave you and are specified in the Configurator:


Trying to use GameTrailers and I get this instead of the embedded video. Note in the error the /embed/ at the start of the URL:

The requested URL /embed/http:/www.gametrailers.com/videos/jz8rt1/tom-clancy-s-the-division-vgx-2013--world-premiere-featurette- was not found on this server.

The requested URL /embed/http:/www.gametrailers.com/reviews/zalxz0/crimson-dragon-review was not found on this server.

The requested URL /embed/http:/www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/zdzfok/pop-fiction-episode-40--jak-ii--sandover-village was not found on this server.

These are for first two of the 3 URLs I gave you and are specified in the Configurator:


For these, I get an embed of the Ustream page like this:

The message says Sorry, the page you requested cannot be found.

The third URL as specified in the configurator works correctly.
@Martok I've just tried those URLs. If you just paste them in the text box, they work fine. If you click the "Media" button and enter them in the prompt, they work fine. What doesn't work is if you manually put the URL between [media] tags. For instance, if you copy/paste the following, the first two will work but not the third:

I don't think the media tag was meant to be used like the third line and I'm surprised XenForo even tries to render it. I'll look into it to see if it can be made to work this way. However, even if it worked I'd strongly recommend using only the second form for performance reasons. For example, in Ustream's and GameTrailer's case, we need to contact their servers in order to extract the "mgid" or "cid" values that are required to display the media. In the first and second forms, this is done when the message is posted. In the third form, it is done everytime the message is displayed. That means that for every embed, your forum has to contact their servers before even thinking about sending the page to the end user. If their servers are slow, your forum gets slow.

Conclusion: I'll look into how XenForo works with that third form when I have time, but either way I recommend using the Media button or just posting the URL as-is with the "Auto-Embed Media Links" option enabled in your admin panel.
@JoshyPHP I didn't just paste the URLs between [media] tags, I used the Media button as I always do to enter these URLs.

I've just tried again to confirm this.

BTW I am using the latest version of your add-on and used the configurator for these specific sites.
What do you get when you paste those URLs in the prompt from the Media button? It's possible that your server can't connect to GameTrailers/Ustream and can't get the mgid/cid. I think there should be an entry in the error logs if that's the case.
What do you get when you paste those URLs in the prompt from the Media button? It's possible that your server can't connect to GameTrailers/Ustream and can't get the mgid/cid. I think there should be an entry in the error logs if that's the case.

This is what I'm getting when paste the links into the prompt from the Media button:


This is using the latest MediaCodes.php and XML file from the Configurator. I've just downloaded and installed these again just to be sure that there was no curruption. This is on my dev site, which is on the same VPS as my main site.

Now on my main site, which is using version 20131227 of this add-on, when I try the same thing this is what I get:



As you can see, all of these look correct and are working and displaying as they should.
Joshy, I'm going to have to get back to you on this one.

I have just uninstalled and then installed the older 20131227 version on my dev site and I'm still getting the same problems, yet it's working on my main site. I'll investigate to see if it's an add-on conflict or something and will let you know.
There shouldn't be any difference between the file you get from the configurator and the one you get from here, and looking at the commits log there shouldn't be any difference between those versions, as far as Ustream and GameTrailers are concerned.

Based on what you describe, it looks like a problem with accessing the remote site. Try running that in the environment that doesn't work:
Also try comparing the output of phpinfo(); between your dev environment and the live one.
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