Implemented Online Status Indicator / move outside of Avatar-image

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Well-known member
The position of the "green dot" inside the Avatar is not great, as it destroys the appearance of the Avatar-image.
Depending on the Avatar-image, the "Online Status Indicator" is also hardly visible.

The "Online Status Indicator" should be positioned somewhere outside of the Avatar-image.

Upvote 24
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Disregarding the points I made in my post and my specific discussion of that exact suggestion, meanwhile taking a quote out of context to make that point, is not a great way to convince me of your argument...

sorry, I did not see your post regarding your opinion on "banners".
Where is it ?
It was the line above the one you quoted:
I've seen some examples of really significant banners (over the avatar, full width banners like the "staff member" one, etc) that really don't fit the goal of being understated and significantly over value the information, IMO.

Additionally a banner like that conflates the usage from something that represents a user's status in the community (staff member, premium member, etc) with an unrelated concept (having visited a page on the forum recently).
Just a completely different concept:


Although this does move the username, I don't think it's quite as distracting as it would be on the main message user info username.

But it's still quite subtle and goes some way to answer some of the feedback so far.
Just a completely different concept:

View attachment 79525

Although this does move the username, I don't think it's quite as distracting as it would be on the main message user info username.

But it's still quite subtle and goes some way to answer some of the feedback so far.

Not to shoot your suggestion down I do honestly appreciate the out of the box thinking. Wouldn't that make simplistic customizations much more difficult for users that like the banner route, and the triangle indicators route. basically any customization really.

Not saying the current placement is the best, imo I personally don't think it is but making alterations, moving it is so simple it's the major factor why I haven't took a disliking to it even though i'm not fond of the placement.
Yeah, more difficult.

It would probably require a two step process. A template edit or CSS to remove the indicator from the controls line, and then additional template edits and CSS to move it back to the message user info area.

I'm still happier with where it is now.

By the way; anyone wondering: the placement in my image is very easy to do if it's something you like yourself.
Personally I think the current placement is the easiest one to work with. I always remove the little triangle on the right side of the memberblock, so that placement wouldn't work for me. Where it is now is easy to change.
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