You know you're hooked on XenForo when...

When it's morning and you're doing the head bob at your desk while trying to stay awake hitting the F5 key that has rubbed off all letter printing on the key pad because you were up all night doing the head bob, trying to stay awake while hitting the F5 key.

...I hope I got that right. I think I just confused everyone, including myself. I need coffee! see this

LMAO!!! I just got the same thing this morning!!!
...when your network admin (a real jerk) has put on WebSense blacklist due to bandwidth consumption from my PC (seriously, I was shocked this afternoon when I received his email)

.... when you decide to fight back by getting to xenforo through web proxies

....when you browse on my crappy Nokia, while there's no electricity to get online (yes, there's still not enough electricity in my country)
... when you've worn out two keyboards by refreshing and now use a .htm file with an auto-refreshing frame in it to be sure not to miss the moment beta is released.

      <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3">
      <FRAME src="">
... when you've worn out two keyboards by refreshing and now use a .htm file with an auto-refreshing frame in it to be sure not to miss the moment beta is released.

      <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3">
      <FRAME src="">
Sorry I can't use that, it's not valid markup :p
This thread is to list behaviors we've started exhibiting on other forum applications after utilizing xenForo for an extended period of time.

Two quirks I've noticed about me...

You know you've been xenForoed when you start looking for the like button on posts...

You know you've been xenForoed when you click the thread title on a forumdisplay only to be taken to the first page of a thread instead of the first unread post...
- When your gaze keeps drifting to the top right of the screen to see if you have new alerts - even though you're using vBulletin

- When the message font on other software suddenly seems too small

- When you find that you have forgotten how to find out who started a thread because their avatar is missing from the thread list

- When you find yourself compelled to squash chocolate muffins underfoot

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