Yes, another one worried


Well-known member
I am the Minister of Acock Implex, we are merely and on-line Church as our financiers backed out of the construction of our actual Church. I have set-up the Church using the vbulletin 4 platform as I have used this for Skin design for some time now. Some of you may know of some of my work as released on my behalf by Eidolon, ChaosBurnt, Karl Hetteridge and of course the late Alice Howard. I am now releasing my own work as free resources through our Church, they would become xenforo resources should I come over.

I can honestly say that I am not entirely happy with vbulletin 4 as a solution for our Church, it has some nice features as standard but it feels, I don't know, clumsy somehow, and the shall we say 'mood' of the central vbulletin site is very unpleasant indeed. I have known of xenforo for a while now as the late Alice Howard was one of our tenants before she passed away, she was trying to talk me into using xenforo for the Church back then. I am not a wealthy man, raising money for the license is going to go hard on me and mine and we do not accept any form of donations through the Church, we are not about making money from those in need.

I used vbulletin 4 because the license was already valid, it was donated to us by Alice actually, but as I say, I am not entirely happy with it as the platform for our Church. I have been wandering around on this site seeing how the xenforo platform functions and I must say I am very impressed, it feels super modern and very sleek. There is this business with a court case which troubles me quite a bit, raising money for this license will require my selling off a great many of my personal belongings to raise the funds. I am loathe to do this if I am going to find my license null and void due to xenforo losing this court case.

Can someone in authority here tell me honestly if there is much of a chance of my losing my investment here. I realise $140 may seem a drop in the ocean to many but I live my life using and attaining as little money as possible, owning money makes me feel spiritually dirty to be quite truthful. I don't have many possessions either, so selling what I have to buy xenforo will really come hard, so you see my concerns are quite something from my perspective.

Please, if members here are tempted to reply giving me their opinions about my situation, I do welcome them but I would ask you to be reticent if your choice is to be rude or abrasive, I am simply seeking 'genuine' words of comfort from those in the know.
Hello there.

I kind of have a similar question. What happens if the "worst happens"? I'm not familiar with stuff like this so this is why I ask.

Any update on the case?

I am sorry to say she has, I do not feel comfortable going into too much detail, I can tell you as much, Alice lived with my wife and I after her last relationship fell to pieces, she never really recovered from that, she was suffering with a terrible depression. She had fallen in love with some fellah, the way she talked about him you would think he was an angel, her feelings for him were helping her tremendously, oddly she never told us who he was. Suddenly out of nowhere Alice broke down into tears, she cried solid on and off for 3 days, then she went out for a walk and never came back. I know she loved being here, which is a very strong reason for my being here truth be told.

'.... she just walked away and never came back '

I assume she was reported missing, the police searched and found her body somewhere - suicide? I don't want to assume incorrectly, the story didn't go into that part.
Hey Floris,

I know that Karl posted that she had taken her own life on several forums, so I guess saying as much here is not too out of place, I have passed on as much information as I am comfortable with passing on, Alice was a very private person, she wouldn't want lots of people knowing what happened, besides which, her father would make minced meat of me if I exposed too many details, I shouldn't like to offend him or his family.

Please understand my situation, thank you. :)
Thanks for the info! Clears it up - Suicide is not for me, and I am sorry to hear she chosen to go that way.
Good luck to the family and especially her children who she left behind, what a shame to them.

Anyway, back on topic, sorry for butting in on personal stuff. Stop using vBulletin 4, go with XenForo, and enjoy a modern forum solution. Time to look forward.

like alice in wonderland. life's just a fairytale to most.
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