XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

Using XF Navigation to create Menu's for Wordpress Plugins

I'm wondering if anyone has solved this --

I'm attempting to set up an events page using a Wordpress plugin (The Events Calendar). It can be accessed using the url: example.com/events

I've set up a new navigation tab in XF like this:

Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 12.14.31.webp

But when I am on the events page, it still defaults to Blog, like this:

Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 12.15.08.webp

What are the steps I need to do to get the Events tab showing correctly? Is it in XF or WP? Is there a way I can say "anything which matches a certain URL then display this menu tab?

You have to set the active section context via XPress inside WordPress. The following code has to be executed somewhere before the footer template inside the plugins template(s):
\XPress::registry()->set('xpress.sectionContext', 'yourNavtabIdHere');
You have to set the active section context via XPress inside WordPress. The following code has to be executed somewhere before the footer template inside the plugins template(s):
\XPress::registry()->set('xpress.sectionContext', 'yourNavtabIdHere');

Cheers, I'll take a look :)
I need to bridge my site but I don’t want my WP taking my XF appearance. Is there a way I can just sync the logins and allow registered xf members to post comments on my WP, or would I need to find a developer to do custom work?
I need to bridge my site but I don’t want my WP taking my XF appearance. Is there a way I can just sync the logins and allow registered xf members to post comments on my WP, or would I need to find a developer to do custom work?
You can optionally show your XF appearance, I’m pretty sure that’s what the documentation states - I may be wrong however.
The XPress theme is entirely optional, and Single Sign on will work without it. You will lose out some functions like bb code rendering in WordPress comments though.
We've used XenWord so far and will switching to XPress. With a small SQL statement you can take over the assignment of the threads.

Maybe you can use that too, so here is the statement:
SET meta_key = REPLACE(meta_key, 'thread_id', '_xPressThreadID')
WHERE meta_key LIKE 'thread_id'
Sorry if this question has been answered, I do not have time to read through all of the posts here right now but have a question.

So I can use any WordPress theme with this plugin?

If so how do the wordpress menus/header behave when not using the bundled Xpress WordPress theme? Does the Xpress add-on still dictate the design of the WordPress/theme menu and header even if using a different WordPress theme?

Tnaks in advanced
So I can use any WordPress theme with this plugin?

Yes. You'll lose out on some functionality though.

If so how do the wordpress menus/header behave when not using the bundled Xpress WordPress theme? Does the Xpress add-on still dictate the design of the WordPress/theme menu and header even if using a different WordPress theme?

As they normally would. Without the theme, the navigation stays untouched, which means you also don't get the XenForo vistior tab, alerts tab, etc.
Yes. You'll lose out on some functionality though.

As they normally would. Without the theme, the navigation stays untouched, which means you also don't get the XenForo vistior tab, alerts tab, etc.

Thanks for the reply. I will buy anyway at some point as I am really interested to see how it works and may use with a new site I'm building.

What would be great though, is if the Xenforo header/menu would be retained regardless of WP theme used. That should (I think) be possible, as one can purchase header/menu plugins for WP which changes up the default theme header/menu.

There are some WP themes that have some great functionality. I'm using Newsmag for WP with Xenforo 1 and your U.IX theme - www.mcnews.com.au Without really coding anything I was able to get the headers looking similar, but the menus are different and of course there is no Xenforo notification on the WP end, nor unified logon etc.

I think if there was way to keep the Xenforo header/menu and functionality while using a different WP theme you'd be even on to a bigger winner than you already are.

I use Wordpress a lot, would really love you guys to get into doing loads more WP themes and plugins, you'd smash it.
The one thing I don’t like is I have a custom WP design and the “author” field is listed near the top of a post. When I switch to just an XF signon the avatar size increases to a square shape , knocking my custom alignment out of whack. I wish it wouldn’t alter this section or at least retain the WP style size.
I'm trying to use this addon in a minimal capacity but am having some issue. I basically just want to link the logins so that my XF members can post on my WP. Is there a way I can have single sign on enabled, but the WP banner removed for non admins? I don't want any members to be able to see a wordpress dashboard or even be able to log into it, since it will likely confuse the masses. I want the banner up top to link to their XF account/profile's instead of WP, so that everything is based in XF and they don't even know that they are on a WP site. I currently only give admins author right on the WP side, so regular members just end up going into the WP dashboard, but can't do anything in it since they don't have permission.

I'm trying to use this addon in a minimal capacity but am having some issue. I basically just want to link the logins so that my XF members can post on my WP. Is there a way I can have single sign on enabled, but the WP banner removed for non admins? I don't want any members to be able to see a wordpress dashboard or even be able to log into it, since it will likely confuse the masses. I want the banner up top to link to their XF account/profile's instead of WP, so that everything is based in XF and they don't even know that they are on a WP site. I currently only give admins author right on the WP side, so regular members just end up going into the WP dashboard, but can't do anything in it since they don't have permission.

View attachment 184676

Yes there are many wp plugins that will remove the admin bar for subscriber roles. This way you can keep it for your admin. You can also edit some PHP but plugin is the way to go for ease of use.
First, thank you for this amazing extension! It works like a charm, it's really great to be able to get a real website.

I have two questions:
- First, I use Yoast SEO for meta management. Is there any way to remove the default title "Home" and only use Yoast's? Because I now have two titles, and I can't find the template where it's added.

- Is there any way to remove the sidebar only on the article page? I tried by using a template I found in this topic (singleNoSidebar), and it only works when I remove Xenforo Widgets. If I assign a Xenforo Widget to Wordpress, the sidebar will still appear whatever I try.

Thank you for your answer!
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