XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

Further commenting, ended up being an issue on my end. How can we change the design of the blog, and make it the root for forum?
Are you trying to have your blog as your home page, or are you wanting something else entirely?
Originally wanted it as a separate tab but I’ll prob use it as a home page - I also cannot seem to get posts to show as featured when giving them the tag.

How would I set it as my root?
Originally wanted it as a separate tab but I’ll prob use it as a home page - I also cannot seem to get posts to show as featured when giving them the tag.

How would I set it as my root?
Do you have wp or xf setup as your root? Also keep in mind that xf and wp must be on same server/cookies.
As for making anything your home page you can check this out and see if this helps you out. https://xenforo.com/community/threa...ringing-wordpress-into-xenforo.150114/page-19
You can make your own tabs and assign accordingly in your xenforo options/public navigation
Hey, my root is XenForo with a sub folder for WordPress, would I need to reverse this?
Actually Xenforo has a built in function to choose what you wish to have as your home page. I'm on my phone right now, but I'll msg as soon I get on my PC. I too have xf as my root and it is working fine for me
Actually Xenforo has a built in function to choose what you wish to have as your home page. I'm on my phone right now, but I'll msg as soon I get on my PC. I too have xf as my root and it is working fine for me
I did try to set my root url as /blog but it thought it didn’t exist.
Actually Xenforo has a built in function to choose what you wish to have as your home page. I'm on my phone right now, but I'll msg as soon I get on my PC. I too have xf as my root and it is working fine for me

That won't work with XPress since the homepage is an entirely separate software and not just a XenForo route. If you want WordPress to be your main page you'll need to install WordPress in the root directory with XenForo in a separate directory (/forums, /community, or whatever)
That won't work with XPress since the homepage is an entirely separate software and not just a XenForo route. If you want WordPress to be your main page you'll need to install WordPress in the root directory with XenForo in a separate directory (/forums, /community, or whatever)
Ty for the reply, one issue though is when you put on maintenance mode, blog isn’t affected.
I believe this may be intentional, WordPress has a separate option for maintenance mode
Oh right I see thank you, would be cool if you guys showed off some community sites that use this :P to show how far you can go with this.

I’m excited to be hopefully soon launching mine, and would be great to get inspired by how others have implemented this.

One question though, I can’t get the featured system to work. I set the tag as “featured” and have it set as a grid, but doesn’t seem to display as this.

“To feature a post you have created, add the tag featured to your post”

I did this, it still shows but not in the fancy grid format.
What about first section ?

Setting Your Homepage
In order for featured posts to appear on your homepage, you must first set a homepage on WordPress. To set your home page, navigate to Settings > Reading Settings. Set Your homepage displays to a static page.
What about first section ?

Setting Your Homepage
In order for featured posts to appear on your homepage, you must first set a homepage on WordPress. To set your home page, navigate to Settings > Reading Settings. Set Your homepage displays to a static page.
The setting doesn't exist, and the posts do show. Just not in the grid format
Ok nvm, for those in the same boat:
  • Create a new Page, with a title, the content can be blank.
  • Then go to Settings -> Reading -> Set "Homepage" to your page.

Works perfectly, ty <3
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