XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo [Deleted]

various issues reported here when syncing users, threads etc
Each setup is different, there may be issues with syncing but we'll need them reported before we can act on them. To my knowledge I don't see any issues from you (not saying you didn't just don't know what issue you have, a link would be great)
no possibility to style the Xenforo threads showing up under WordPress articles as they are entirely controlled by XF and only styled properly when using XenPress theme
Thats the point no? A unified thread design and experience. I mean you arguable could add some CSS just for the wp articles, should be easy enough. Something Im missing here?
no possibility of importing previous WP comments into Xenforo thread display, reverting to WP default comment or disqus ->ending up having thousands of comments displayed in a different way, creating a confusing end-user experience ("why is there a thread?", "why is this next article connected to a discussion forum whilst the other one is not?" etc.)
I mean, we could go down the rabbit hole of building every single tool one could ever want in the world, but I don't think it fair to fault us because we don't have disqus migration support to XenForo? :/

I think migrating comments to existing threads is rather difficult too, not saying we won't do that but again, its a feature that may be nice but was never advertised that it did this.
problems/issues when trying to connect a new/and or existing wp article to an existing xf thread

Again, link to issue? I don't know what it is offhand. I've tested this myself in the past, worked fine. But if we need to fix something, happy to. Just don't know what its doing for you, as for others it works fine.

display issues when wordpress themes/plugins also use font-awesome icons (->noticeable both on backend and front-end)

That is going to happen. It is impossible for us to know how each addon/plugin you have sets up FA. Simply disabling it at the theme or XenForo level will work.

the biggest problem: broken wordpress caching and minification ->> the absolute deal breaker

We added some new caching tools in the latest release (not sure if its the next release or one currently released, tagging @Lukas W. ) but in the past I agree it was not ideal, so we spent a good month or two fixing it. Server side caching is recommended, but we do leverage XF caching as well. We cache whatever we can.

support was "friendly" but not really fast or helpful

Apologies if we didn't answer all your questions. Here to help if we can.
We added some new caching tools in the latest release (not sure if its the next release or one currently released, tagging @Lukas W. ) but in the past I agree it was not ideal, so we spent a good month or two fixing it. Server side caching is recommended, but we do leverage XF caching as well. We cache whatever we can.
Shouldn't any number of WP caching tools work just fine? I don't know why he would expect that to be built into this.

btw, something that has dawned on me and correct me if I am wrong, I don't have a working copy at the moment as I disabled until next patch, but shouldn't the thread link redirect to the WP article? What is the purpose of the comment thread if comments are already in the WP post? It feels like a hurdle or redundant. Again maybe I am forgetting and it has a good purpose.
Shouldn't any number of WP caching tools work just fine? I don't know why he would expect that to be built into this.

btw, something that has dawned on me and correct me if I am wrong, I don't have a working copy at the moment as I disabled until next patch, but shouldn't the thread link redirect to the WP article? What is the purpose of the comment thread if comments are already in the WP post? It feels like a hurdle or redundant. Again maybe I am forgetting and it has a good purpose.
Hmm I think we had a client who had both. I think it's useful to be able to have both, with the option to sync or not sync. We should support all that!
Shouldn't any number of WP caching tools work just fine? I don't know why he would expect that to be built into this.
They do, for as long as you do not use the XPress theme. What people keep underestimating is the amount of effort and behind-the-curtains work that goes into bridging two platforms. The end product looks all shiney and easy if it works, but it's a piece of software far more complicated than a simple add-on, plugin or theme. You're bringing together two entirely different platforms, your whole page rendering goes through both of them. It's simply not just WordPress anymore, but also XenForo. So for example expecting caching solutions that were specifically tailored for an environment where only WordPress was intended in this very complex and specific setup is - to put it quite simply - far from realistic.
We're putting a lot of time and effort into stretching the boundaries as far as humanly possible, but some things just have their limits. To make it less limiting, we've instead brought over XenForos Caching system. It's not as simple as installing a plugin and clicking two buttons, but it's sure worth to build up ones knowledge with it and get it set up right. After all, your XenForo profits from it too, quite heavily.

btw, something that has dawned on me and correct me if I am wrong, I don't have a working copy at the moment as I disabled until next patch, but shouldn't the thread link redirect to the WP article? What is the purpose of the comment thread if comments are already in the WP post? It feels like a hurdle or redundant. Again maybe I am forgetting and it has a good purpose.

Tag posts with redirect-wp to redirect the thread to WordPress, and redirect-xf to redirect the post to XenForo.
You're bringing together two entirely different platforms, your whole page rendering goes through both of them. It's simply not just WordPress anymore, but also XenForo.

Very true, it's impressive. I think you need a make an FAQ because few people understand how this is really working.

Tag posts with redirect-wp to redirect the thread to WordPress, and redirect-xf to redirect the post to XenForo.
So this functionality already exists?

Looking forward to the next patch!
Uninstalled from my dev area and now I get this error with my nav totally broken

    XF\Db\Exception: Error rendering navigation: MySQL statement prepare error [1146]: Table 'xxx_xf.xf_th_xlink_platform_link' doesn't exist src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php:217

    Generated by: xxx Mar 27, 2019 at 8:26 PM

Stack trace

            SELECT `xf_th_xlink_platform_link`.*
            FROM `xf_th_xlink_platform_link`
            WHERE (`xf_th_xlink_platform_link`.`platform_id` IN (1))

#0 src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php(196): XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException('MySQL statement...', 1146, '42S02')
#1 src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php(39): XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->getException('MySQL statement...', 1146, '42S02')
#2 src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php(54): XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->prepare()
#3 src/XF/Db/AbstractAdapter.php(94): XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->execute()
#4 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Finder.php(1294): XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->query('
            SELECT `xf_...')
#5 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Manager.php(212): XF\Mvc\Entity\Finder->fetch()
#6 src/addons/ThemeHouse/XLink/Navigation/RemoteNavigation.php(177): XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager->findByIds('ThemeHouse\\XLin...', Array)
#7 src/addons/ThemeHouse/XLink/Navigation/RemoteNavigation.php(124): ThemeHouse\XLink\Navigation\RemoteNavigation::loadPlatformLinks()
#8 internal_data/code_cache/navigation_cache.php(95): ThemeHouse\XLink\Navigation\RemoteNavigation::displayPlatformExtended(1, 'thxlink_1')
#9 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(6625): XF\Pub\App->{closure}(Object(SV\ElasticSearchEssentials\XF\Template\Templater), 'forums', Array)
#10 src/XF/Pub/App.php(560): XF\Template\Templater->renderNavigationClosure(Object(Closure), 'forums', Array)
#11 src/XF/Pub/App.php(513): XF\Pub\App->getNavigation(Array, 'forums')
#12 src/XF/App.php(1988): XF\Pub\App->renderPageHtml('
...', Array, Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html))
#13 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(362): XF\App->renderPage('

...', Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html))
#14 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(53): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->render(Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), 'html')
#15 src/XF/App.php(2177): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#16 src/XF.php(390): XF\App->run()
#17 index.php(20): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App')
#18 {main}
ThemeHouse updated XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo with a new update entry:

XLink Version 1.0.3 released! Add bookmark

  • Resolved an issue that would block access to the search result tabs of other platforms if XenForo did have no search results.
  • Resolved an issue that would show a wrong breadcrumb root level on various occassions.
  • Added the ability to import remote platform accounts into XenForo.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent "show ads" to be correctly checked when opening a platform edit page.
  • Resolved various API cache errors.
  • Strip out various duplicated head...

Read the rest of this update entry...
ThemeHouse updated XPress - A theme and bridge for bringing WordPress into XenForo with a new update entry:

Version 1.1.1. released!

  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the default comment editor from respecting the XF toolbar layout.
  • Resolved an issue that would prevent the original post date from being set on importers.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause the XenPorta 2 importer to infinite loop.
  • Resolved an issue that would break comment forms when the JS Wrapper mode was enabled.
  • Resolved an issue that would break post content when posts were promoted to articles.
  • Added...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Updates for XLink, XPress and XWiki are now live. We apologize for the delay, which was due to exceptional circumstances of all three updates requiring each other to be finished, before we could release.

To update, please make sure that you first upload all files of XLink and XPress, before you continue with upgrading XLink, then XPress. Our latest releases are now compatible with Install & Upgrade, and XLink will now install the WordPress plugin and theme when you establish a platform link, rather than you having to do it manually. In order for it to do so, it needs write permissions to the respective directories. You can find specific details on that (and how to manually install/upgrade) in our documentation.

We've also added an extensive troubleshooting section for common server related setup problems (the vast majority of problems encountered on new installations), as well as other common problems people run into.
Ticket ID:#13383

more than a month ago I'm waiting for the solution so that the featured articles appear in my web page.

In this ticket you told me that it was going to be fixed in this new patch but it still does not appear.

What do I have to do? How can I fix this?

when using xenforo 2.0 worked well, with the update for xenforo 2.1 disappeared and has not seen it again
There is. The documentation describes where to find it, as I described in my post after the patch notes. Your php process probably couldn't write your wp style directory, so you'll have to update manually.
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