XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

I uninstalled before i updated my forum. And then i upgraded. I had no problems. I looked in my directroy and noticed that the "Sitemap" folder is still there. And there is rar/zip files. Can i delete the entire folder?
Delete the entire sitemap/ folder

You should not have zip/rar files in there, you probably want to investigate. This add-on creates none of that.
Thanks. I've put the .htaccess back as it was and used a regular robots.txt.

I have 12 sitemaps, do I have to point to them all in robots.txt or is it good enough just to point to the one forum/sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz

In robots.txt do I point the sitemap to that one map,(forum/sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz) or all of them. Thanks

But robots.php points to the wrong location !

That's a long standing bug, the robots.php functionality wasn't really playing well when XF is installed in a directory.
I'll get that fixed in a future version.

So we are using robots.txt because php will get us nowhere. Your software made 12 sitemaps so how do we reference all of these in the robots.txt. Do we just point to one of the maps or have a separate line for each. Thanks
But robots.php points to the wrong location !

So we are using robots.txt because php will get us nowhere. Your software made 12 sitemaps so how do we reference all of these in the robots.txt. Do we just point to one of the maps or have a separate line for each. Thanks
In robots.txt you just need the index one, that one points to the rest :)
There are several ways to make Google notice your Sitemap

One is going to Google WebMaster tools, registering your site, and adding your sitemap manually. This works.

The other one is to just update the robots.txt entry, and add a line containing Sitemap: url
for example, my robots.txt looks like this

Sitemap: http://fanficslandia.com/sitemap/sitemap.xml.gz

(I guess the other one is just making the Sitemap generator ping Google, but what would be the fun in that?) :)

So what would the sitemap url be?
Will this addon be further more in development and supported for xf1.4+ or do we have on xf1.4 to switch to xf core? cause I have a small request for better comfort.
Will this addon be further more in development and supported for xf1.4+ or do we have on xf1.4 to switch to xf core? cause I have a small request for better comfort.
XenForo will already include a sitemap on 1.4, so you would not need this anymore.
You can technically keep using the addon but most people prefer the out of the box one. I already tested this with 1.4
ok, I've checked both addon and core and it seems that i only will miss "Additional URLs to include" feature.
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