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[XI] Help Manager 1.0.1

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Weird. What PHP Version are you running? (I probably mixed up language syntax).
I'm running PHP Version 5.3.3-7+squeeze18

However, being Christmas, I won't be able to fix it until tomorrow. If you post that line and a few surrounding it, I can probably tell you the fix.
    public function getPageById($pageId)
        $page = $this->_getDb()->fetchRow('
            SELECT page.*
            FROM xf_xi_help_manager_pages AS page
            WHERE page.page_id = ?
        ', $pageId);

        $page['title'] = new XenForo_Phrase('xi_helpmanager_page_' . $page['page_id']);
        $page['template'] = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Template')->getTemplateInStyleByTitle('xi_helpmanager_page.' . $page['page_id'])['template'];

        return $page;
28 should be
        $page['template'] = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Template')->getTemplateInStyleByTitle('xi_helpmanager_page.' . $page['page_id'])['template'];

Thanks for supporting me
Please send me ACP details via PC. That shouldn't be occurring have tested it constantly. However, did you create 8 pages before the FAQs or is that your first page? Phrases increment with the IDs.
Could you possibly PC me ACP logins? I think I might know the issue but want to compare your setup to mine.
The timing of this plugin and me needing to create more/new help pages today was more than uncanny haha. Great plugin, but I am having an issue with it displaying the page titles. For instance the other help pages show their titles in Chrome tabs for instance, BB Codes |, but for the new help pages I am making they are not adding the proper page title. For instance the Chrome tab just says and not the Page Title | When I make new node pages they show up fine as well so not sure what is wrong with the plugin that is causing this. Also I would like these new pages to show before the built in ones...anyway to change that? Or how do we customize the order completely?
Have you added the <xen:title> tag?

For your first page use this:
<xen:title>{xen:phrase xi_helpmanager_page_1}</xen:title>
For your second page, change the 1 to a 2, etc.
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OK got it now, the one you gave me had an underscore between help and manager, help_manager, the phase is just xi_helpmanager_page_1. Also anything I can do about positioning of the help pages other than at the end of the Xenforo built in ones? Thanks again for your help and this plugin saves me a bunch of time from manually having to create the pages from scratch.
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