XF 2.1 xfReactTooltipTemplate?


Well-known member
This is showing up in my nginx pagespeed message log, and I think it may be related to my my Reaction images are showing up strangely.
Unrecognized script:'<script type="text/template" id="xfReactTooltipTemplate"></script>
It appears to be called from the page_container. This is what my "like" Reaction looks like...
It doesn't seem to be happening to my custom Reactions, however... any thoughts?
I don’t think the nginx error is related and in all likelihood can be ignored.

It looks like your settings for the Like reaction are incorrect. You have the sprite image defined as the image URL as expected but it looks like you don’t have sprite mode enabled or the correct sprite parameter set up.
It looks like your settings for the Like reaction are incorrect. You have the sprite image defined as the image URL as expected but it looks like you don’t have sprite mode enabled or the correct sprite parameter set up.
I think it is correct (and default) but let me know if you see something amiss:
I believe it's because I was using @eva2000's pagespeed config; but he does not use XF defaults for Reactions as I do. Therefore, I modded the pagespeed config as follows:

  # sprite_images
  # https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/mod_pagespeed/filter-image-sprite
pagespeed EnableFilters rewrite_css;
pagespeed DisableFilters sprite_images;
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