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[XFR] User Albums 1.0.0 b7

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I installed this with the latest version of xF. I don't see any changes.I verified it was installed, and made sure usergroup had "allowed" permissions. Still, nothing has changed. Am I missing something?

NVM, same thing happened with the blog add-on. I'm seeing absolutely no changes.
I would like to translate the following phrase into another language "xfr_useralbums_global" but I can not find this phrase.
Any help how to solve this issue?
I am trying to change the background of the image box in grid view. Half is appearing in our template colour and the other half white.


I have searched the templates, style properties and css files but I can not find where it is being set (might be the problem).

Any help would be good.

I am trying to change the background of the image box in grid view. Half is appearing in our template colour and the other half white.


I have searched the templates, style properties and css files but I can not find where it is being set (might be the problem).

Any help would be good.

Does this work? In EXTRA.css put

.thumbnailHolder .thumbnail {
background-color: #FFFFFF !important;
Two questions:

1) I can't get any of the sidebars to work on my forumlist page. I can get the one under the forum list to show, but not the ones in the sidebar. Any troubleshooting ideas?

2) Is there a way to change the attached block for XenPorta to be Random images instead of the Latest images? I do not want to use the inefficient
RAND() LIMIT 1 and would rather use the newid()approach. I just don't know how exactly to modify the SQL query properly.​


2) Is there a way to change the attached block for XenPorta to be Random images instead of the Latest images? I do not want to use the inefficient
RAND() LIMIT 1 and would rather use the newid()approach. I just don't know how exactly to modify the SQL query properly.​
The RAND() query actually started caused the loading time on my index page to slow way down as more images were added. One way you can mitigate the performance issue is explained in this blog post.

This still didn't reduce the loading time enough in my case though. The way I did it is a bit of a hack but it is quick. First you select the MAX(image_id) from the images table. Then generate X random numbers in PHP between 1 and the max image_id for every image you want to pull (say you want $limit random images, then X might be $limit *3 random numbers in case some of the image_ids you generate don't exist). Then you just use WHERE image_id IN (your list of random numbers...) LIMIT $limit. If a large portion of images are deleted this might not work so well, but both queries are quick and more or less take constant time regardless of the number of images present.
The RAND() query actually started caused the loading time on my index page to slow way down as more images were added. One way you can mitigate the performance issue is explained in this blog post.

This still didn't reduce the loading time enough in my case though. The way I did it is a bit of a hack but it is quick. First you select the MAX(image_id) from the images table. Then generate X random numbers in PHP between 1 and the max image_id for every image you want to pull (say you want $limit random images, then X might be $limit *3 random numbers in case some of the image_ids you generate don't exist). Then you just use WHERE image_id IN (your list of random numbers...) LIMIT $limit. If a large portion of images are deleted this might not work so well, but both queries are quick and more or less take constant time regardless of the number of images present.
That sounds like a great compromise. Would you mind sharing your exact block code?
That sounds like a great compromise. Would you mind sharing your exact block code?
This is my modified function from XfRu_UserAlbums_Model_Images
public function getRandomImages()
    $max_id = $this->_getDb()->fetchOne('SELECT MAX(image_id) FROM xfr_useralbum_image');
    $limit = XenForo_Application::get('options')->XfRu_UA_displayImages;
    $rand_count = $limit * 3;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $rand_count; $i++)
        $random_ids[] = mt_rand(1, $max_id);
    $sql = '
        SELECT `image`.*, `user`.user_id, `user`.username, `album`.title AS albumTitle,
            ' . self::$dataColumns . '
        FROM xfr_useralbum_image AS `image`
        INNER JOIN xfr_useralbum_image_data AS `data` ON
            (`data`.data_id = `image`.data_id)
        INNER JOIN xfr_useralbum AS `album` ON
            (`album`.album_id = `image`.album_id)
        INNER JOIN xf_user AS `user` ON
            (`user`.user_id = `album`.user_id)
        WHERE `album`.album_type = "public" AND moderation = 0 AND image_id IN ('.implode($random_ids , ',').')
    return $this->prepareImages($this->fetchAllKeyed($this->limitQueryResults($sql, $limit), 'image_id'));
I have a small request. Using the MOBILE-VIEW template (XFS Mobile), I have the 'display images' count set to "3". But I want the 3 albums which show in the bottom of my forum list to stay within the allowed width of the template and NOT have the 3rd one showing below the top two. How can I fix this (see attachment)?


  • file_useralbumimagesonmobile.webp
    26.8 KB · Views: 29

I have a problem: When I will upload some pictures I get an error:

It is just that an error occured and the message is "undefined" as you can see in the screenshot below.

Has someone an idea, what could happend here? the folders in the data-folders were created and have 0755.



  • Manage Images - Modellbahn-Community Forum.webp
    Manage Images - Modellbahn-Community Forum.webp
    7.1 KB · Views: 21

I have a problem: When I will upload some pictures I get an error:

It is just that an error occured and the message is "undefined" as you can see in the screenshot below.

Has someone an idea, what could happend here? the folders in the data-folders were created and have 0755.

Check your server logs. I had that error when I initially installed the add-on, too. The answer (which I can't remember) was in my webserver log.
Check your server logs. I had that error when I initially installed the add-on, too. The answer (which I can't remember) was in my webserver log.
In my server log is nothing, but I made another test: I think it's a problem with Chrome, when I upload pictures with Firefox everything works fine, but with Chrome I have these problems.

Edit: I tested with some friends. With Chrome on Mac systems, it works perfect, but with Windows and Chrome the error occured. Anyone an idea, if it is a problem by the mod or by Chrome?
I'm going to ask again...

Right now if a user uploads a new image to his album it is added at the end of the album. Is there a way to switch the display order so the latest image shows up first in the album?

While I think this gallery is fabulous and will be a great addition to my community, I'm beginning to wonder if adding it is a good idea since it doesn't seem to be fully supported. I'd be happy to pay for a fully supported version! :)
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