[XFA] Who Read This Thread - XF2 [Deleted]


Thanks for the update, @Fredxd.

Every time I'm creating a new node/child, I need to go to the Options and Enable the forums manually (on both Who has read this thread & Who is viewing this thread). Can I please get an updated version with the new forums to be already selected in the list by default?


  • enable-forum.webp
    16.2 KB · Views: 7

Thanks for the update, @Fredxd.

Every time I'm creating a new node/child, I need to go to the Options and Enable the forums manually (on both Who has read this thread & Who is viewing this thread). Can I please get an updated version with the new forums to be already selected in the list by default?

Sorry but we have stop support of this addon. We only provide an upgrade to comply with Xenforo guidelines.

So those of us who bought multiple licences, is that it? The end of the road? :(

Why no support please?

We have made an addon (Who read this content) who includes same features and more.
We will provide a discount for this addon to all customer who had a licence for Who read this thread addon.

It's just hard to maintain 2 addons with same features, so it's why we have do this choice.
Let's not be so hasty. Give Fred a chance , he is doing the right thing and being compliant.
Basically by removing the resource, XFA just did what I suggested he do.

Why maintain two separate add-ons with overlapping functionality, with one being a better and re-written one?
Yes, i have fix zip.
For customer who has already upgrade to 1.5.7 please run this query

RENAME TABLE `xfa_wrtt_thread_read` TO `xf_xfa_wrtt_thread_read`;

Sorry for that
This fix works well.

A note to folks with multiple databases, though: you will need to specify WHICH database you want the table rename to be executed on.
I recommend the following commands within the MySQL shell to specify your database:


USE `desired_database_name`;

RENAME TABLE `xfa_wrtt_thread_read` TO `xf_xfa_wrtt_thread_read`;
Basically by removing the resource, XFA just did what I suggested he do.

Why maintain two separate add-ons with overlapping functionality, with one being a better and re-written one?
I agree, it's why we had do this choice.
This fix works well.

A note to folks with multiple databases, though: you will need to specify WHICH database you want the table rename to be executed on.
I recommend the following commands within the MySQL shell to specify your database:


USE `desired_database_name`;

RENAME TABLE `xfa_wrtt_thread_read` TO `xf_xfa_wrtt_thread_read`;
Thanks (y)
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