XF2.3 feedback and comments

Clicking Save or Delete when editing a Bookmark on a thread refreshes the page instead of showing a success message.

Sometimes a name will show up twice when creating a conversation. @Paul B

@Paul B I don't think there was an information about new replies on all thread pages before. If it was, I think it only should be on the last page of the thread as nothing has changed on the others?
Skärmavbild 2023-11-30 kl. 23.24.57.webp
Selecting the Imponente! Prefix in the Test messages forum shows "[object HTMLDivElement]" but does not show on the others. Possibly because it's the last Prefix in the list. @Paul B

Not sure if this is 2.3 specific - on Latest Activity, clicking 'Show older items' will load 15 more results, but subsequent clicks will keep loading the same 15 results over and over.

Is this thread being used for bugs/issues until the public beta?
Just did a check if we can upload photos. Glad that's back. It also works too.

I posted up a photo of flowers from the Botanical gardens here in Ballarat. In the greenhouse.
As an avid dark mode user, I think the blue used for links is too bright, I can feel my eyes straining reading it. I think it needs to be toned down a smidge.



Tweaking in dev tools to arbitrary hex value of #9bbfd7

View attachment 294561

The lighter colour is just a touch easier on the eyes, and actually has a better contrast ratio according to Chrome (9.49 vs 6.92).

Ha I agree. Was about to say Dark is giving me some severe eyestrain (more than light), and I'm in dark everything :)

The blue is definitely off.
@Chris D
Searching for a member on https://xenforo.com/community/members/ shows "The specified member cannot be found. Please enter a member's entire name.". Tested with a few members that do exist. @Paul B

View attachment 294632
That's because XF now adds a comma after the name. Remove it and it finds the name. Adding another name and then deleting the comma after that still results in that error. A bug for sure.

What I don't get are how obvious things like this are missed, especially a function that used to work previously.
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