XF2.3 feedback and comments

Have we got an eta on this colour issue on posts with people typing in almost pure white? It's just difficult to read it. It's not life changing just would be nice to not have to highlight posts or squint to get their content 😊
@James check my rejected suggestion for a hacky workaround (in XF 2.2). Maybe start a new suggestion and reference it? TBH I think I'd even consider it a bug, but the devs might not.

Not entirely sure we'll action explicit colors (historically, you could always set the text color to match the background color), but I think James is referring to an issue where the editor will add explicit colors unintentionally when copying/cutting/pasting, which exacerbates the problem a lot. We'll take a look at it during a bug sweep shortly.
But in this case its is not matching the background appropriately. We need to not have posts like this one:
Yes, that is the issue I was referring to. The editor is unintentionally setting the text color explicitly to the dark mode text color when using dark mode, or explicitly to the light mode text color when using light mode. When viewing posts on the opposite mode, they become illegible.

I had only meant that, even on 2.2, you could deliberately set your text color to match the background color of the theme. I'm not sure we'll action that, but of course we will sort the issue with it being set unintentionally.
The editor is unintentionally setting the text color explicitly to the dark mode text color when using dark mode
But do you know why it does it to some posts and not others?

EDIT: it has not done it to this post, is it just totally a random thing?
I mentioned it above, but it depends on how the user manipulates text in the editor when composing their message. When copying and pasting things around, the text is erroneously copied with an explicit color set, so pasting it anywhere will retain that.

If I were to copy the text above, it is wrapped in [COLOR=rgb(224, 224, 224)]...[/COLOR] (the color of the text in dark mode) when pasted. It then becomes illegible when viewed in light mode.
You probably already know this but the editor does not add the COLOR bb code if you toggle the bbcode off
I appreciate the new feature that when a specific post is linked, it doesn't preview the beginning of the thread but the requested post.
However, I believe that the way the post preview is displayed when linking is much nicer in the previous generation.
well, if you are talking about regular unfurled url... xenforo does not show linked post preview in the excerpt anyways. the preview content is again from the first post of the thread/page. so embed post is better because the content is from the linked post.
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