Won't fix XF1 Report Comments URL's not auto-linking


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Affected version
In XF1 report comments are auto-linked on display, but in XF2 this auto-linking is now done at post time. This means old XF1 report comments will no longer display autolinked URLs when viewed in XF2.
I believe we mostly considered this to be an acceptable trade off to go to supporting full BB code in report comments now. While clearly there is value in older reports, they likely have decreasing significance over time so the number of times you should need to access a particular URL that is no longer linked should decrease over time.

There are other approaches that could resolve this, though they involve either storing a flag to indicate the mark up type or processing all existing report comments when upgrading to 2.0, neither of which seem to be worthwhile to me. (I suppose we could look at dynamic auto-linking again, though that isn't a pattern we use anywhere else.)
I wrote a quick & dirty migration process (look for all report comments without [url= or [url]), then parse & save the result if it changed), which worked quickly.

It is mostly an issue since I use user mentions in the old XenForo 1 text format, which I've migrated to the bbcode user mention format (@[Xon:71874] vs [user=71874]Xon[/user]). And then noticed the urls
I think that given Mike’s comments on this and the potential solutions not being particularly attractive and the use case perhaps not being particularly common that we should stick with the original thinking on this and not deem it particularly worthwhile.
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